Author's Note (kinda important)

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For whoever was wondering where I was , I doubt it as I didn't recieve any comments asking about my absence , I'm taking a bit of time for myself to rest mentally and organize my life as I was having problems on knowing where to go for a job and what to study for it

Good news is that I want to learn Digital Art so maybe I can make fanart and comics for you to see in my free time and maybe make an account for commissions on Instagram or somewhere else (but we will see in the future if it all goes well)

Bad news is that if it doesn't work out I will need to take time to learn to do another job again

When I will calm down a bit I will see if I get in the mood to write again , it's not that I don't want to but my brain prefers taking a bit of time to sleep more and release stress from recent events for the time being , maybe I will update the shorts a bit

I'm an hyperfixated person with things I take a liking to so you don't need to worry about me leaving the fandom and even if I take breaks I never leave completely

That's all I wanted to say , I know I'm not followed much but I have fun writing undertale Au's related stuff so I want to continue doing it for my own enjoyment and I won't take to heart if not many people like my books

Author's out , bye ⭐

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