Ruins of a Castle(fixed)

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Error was in front of Nightmare's Castle , mouth agape in shock , you may be wondering Why? , well because the Castle was completely destroyed , it was a miracle something was still standing

Error:'Is this why Nightmare wanted my help? What happened here?'

Then he realized

Error:'Where is Nightmare?God tell me he's okay'

Error runs into what once was a Castle on a hunt for Nightmare , after a few minutes he hears something near the stairs and goes to check them out

Error:"Nightmare are you here? Please answer me"

A few seconds later he hears groans in a pile of rubble and goes to clean them in a panic , wincing in pain because of his injuries but determined to keep going , after two hours of working he sees black goop from underneath it

Error:"Nightmare do you hear me?Can you come out from there?"

Nightmare: "mhmn"

A moment later the black goop seems to twich , then move a bit and finally sliter out of the remaing rubble he was under , after being free the goop began to slowly take the shape of a skeleton

Nightmare:"uff thanks"

Error:*hits the back of his head*

Nightmare:"Oww what the hell?"

Error:"Do you mind telling me why the Castle is in ruins? and please tell me WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE UNDER IT WHEN YOU CALLED ME?" Nightmare huffed at his friend reaction

Nightmare:"Calm down Error , I got buried after I called you so that isn't my fault" but Error wasn't taking that bullshit

Error:"Don't tell me to calm down , if you couldn't tell it's pretty worrying that I get a call from a friend sounding like life just finished bullshitting him , and then when I go check up on you , I find your home destroyed like someone just put a bomb inside it , and lastly when I'm searching for you hoping you weren't dead I find you under a pile of rubble that , I swear to god if you weren't goop , would have most likely killed you"

Error was left panting , he was very angry and worried about Nightmare and the idiot tells him to calm down , he already hit him but he would gladly punch him in the face again , Nightmare sensed his distress and hugged him

Nightmare:"Sorry" he wasn't worried about himself but he didn't want to upset the other

Error:"you better be asshole" he snarked while hugging back

Nightmare:"it's better if we sit somewhere so you can calm down"

Error:"fine but then you will tell me what happened"

Nightmare:"heh okay , let's go" they broke the hug and got out to find somewhere to sit

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