The Bird in the Cage

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Kyong would have never thought that downloading an otome game would lead to so much chaos. To relax after busily studying for an upcoming physics test, Kyong had opened her phone and looked through the app store for any appealing game. That was when her eyes fell on the game: Mystic Messenger. Her head tilted in interest as she waited the six minutes that it took to install and the other twenty minutes to download the game files. When her ears caught the beginnings of an opening sung in Korean, a smile lit up her face as she quickly set her messy notes to the side.

Even though she had a father from North Korea, she was embarrassed that she could not piece together a legible sentence in Korean, even after she had been taught a few by him.

"Pretty people..." she murmured as she watched the opening on the slightly smudged screen. Finally, it was over and the loading screen popped up.

"Hey, Kyong! Can you come down here?" her mother called from the lower floor.

Groaning, Kyong shut off her phone and padded across the carpeted floors. Panic rose in her throat when she saw her vision going black and she fell forward. She finally succumbed, but not before she felt a pair of hands attach themselves over her mouth.

Full Name: Kyong Mi Tae

Age: 18 

Pronouns: (she/her) 

Born: November 13 

Birthplace: New Jersey, United States 

Occupation: University student (law) 

Quote: "I can't just give up on you. I'm going to get the both of us out of here, okay?"  

Height: 155 cm 

Weight: 44 kg

Likes: roses, the smell of book pages, tea, indie music 

Dislikes: loud noises, smoke, enclosed spaces, hospitals 

Parents: Ki Mi Tae (40 at time of birth) and Jade Magnusson (43 at time of birth) 

Siblings: Warren Castro (12 at time of birth), Margot Castro (9 at time of birth), Jalen Castro (7 at time of birth)

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