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"Mr. Han, I am well aware that I am not in the building. However, I assure you that I am working on the project you assigned me..."

The woman's tired voice was the first thing that Anais heard when she opened her eyes. Her body was snuggly wrapped in a thick blanket, and the smell of freshly-made coffee hung in the air. Despite the welcoming environment, Anais' body was locked up in fear. Trying to calm her anxieties down, the woman tried to search for a close escape route.

Anais was laying on a couch in a room that seemed to be a living room. Her eyes raked over the numerous musical DVDs that were stacked on a nearby table. As soon as her eyes latched on a door that led to the outside world, a relieved sigh left her lips.

"I was on the way to work, but I found a girl crumpled up on my doorstep. I'm not entirely sure what happened to her. If she doesn't wake up soon, I think I will take her to the hospital to get examined. I will finish all of the work, though..." murmured the woman from a different room, grabbing Anais' attention away from the decor.

Anais caught sight of a brunette woman pacing around, her form passing by the open door at times. The woman's conversation finally ended, and a heavy sigh left her lips. She paused by the door, her brown eyes locking on Anais. Almost immediately, her eyebrows shot up and she started to quickly talk in a foreign language.

"W-wait. Can you go back to speaking English? I can understand that-" Anais interrupted, propping herself up on her shoulder.

"Of course. I'm glad that there is not a language barrier between the two of us. Could you tell me why you were outside my house?" the woman asked, her brows knitting in worry. "Perhaps you were running away from someone?"

"N-no. I'm not exactly sure why I ended up outside your house..." Anais answered, uncertainty laced in her voice. Confusion overtook her as she struggled to recall her last memories. She had been talking with Charley and had to flee from the building, resulting in her passing out. "W-where's my phone?"

"I didn't see a phone near you..." the woman responded as she moved to sit down on a cream-colored chair. "If you are in any sort of trouble, you are safe here. Of course, this is only in cases where you are not running away from the law."

"I appreciate the sentiment, but I am not in any kind of trouble." Anais' brow creased as she looked around the couch, in search of her backpack. "Did I have a backpack on...?"

"Ah, yes. I placed it in my guest bedroom. Do you want me to get it for you?" The woman was already on her feet, headed in a completely different direction. "I'll be right back."

"Where the hell did I put my phone?" Anais wondered aloud as she forced herself to sit up, her hands moving to check the pockets of her pants. When her search resulted in nothing, her panic grew. "What am I supposed to do?!"

"Please calm down. I'm sure that there is an easy solution to ease your worries. Here is your backpack," the woman soothingly called out, hurriedly walking toward Anais. The backpack was snatched from the woman's hand as she headed into a different room. "I need to gather the items that I need for work."

As soon as the woman had left the living room, Anais unzipped her backpack and dug through the contents. Textbooks, pencils, notebooks, a calculator, and stray pieces of paper were the only things that Anais unearthed. There was nothing of value, nothing that could hint at what happened after she had blacked out. Frustration hung over Anais as the woman filed back into the room, her arms piled high with numerous folders and an expensive-looking laptop. She bent down to push Anais' items to her side before setting up her workspace, settling herself back down on the chair.

"Since we're going to know each other for a little while longer, we should probably introduce ourselves. I'm Kang Jaehee."

"M-my name is Anais..."

"Are you from France?" she curiously asked, opening her laptop and beginning to type away.

"Y-yes. What makes you ask that?" Anais asked, watching as Jaehee lifted her hand to point to the textbooks, which were written in French.

"I'm sure that it is very scenic. A lot of the tourists talk about the cafes and the Eiffel Tower. Are you a tourist as well?"

"Didn't I just say that I was from France? If you're talking exclusively about Paris, I have not traveled there."

"I'm well aware that you are French, but I was asking if you were here to see the sights or to study," Jaehee clarified, her attention still on her work.

"I'm so confused right now..."

Jaehee's typing halted as she looked up from her laptop with wide eyes and asked, "You do know that you are in South Korea, right?"

Anais jumped to her feet, almost immediately regretting her actions. Jaehee jumped up from her seat and reached out to support Anais. A sigh left her as she assisted her in laying back down.

"It looks like you're a bit woozy. Try to rest for a while longer, and we can try to solve everything once you feel a bit better."

"I want to figure everything out now. I'm supposed to be in Toulouse-" Anais argued, quieting down when she felt Jaehee's hand squeeze her own.

"I understand that this is a scary situation for you, but you need to conserve your energy. I'll stay here and work so that you don't have to worry about anything else happening while you're resting."

"T-thank you..."

Jaehee paused as she looked down at their interlocked hands. A faint blush coated her cheeks as she moved her hand away, hurriedly walking back to her chair. Anais finally allowed herself to close her eyes, falling asleep to the sound of Jaehee typing. 

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