The Heiress

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Ji-ho brushed her bangs out of her face as she tied the awful orange apron around herself. A sigh left her body as she forced herself to walk to the front of the restaurant, donning her best smile. The next four hours were spent rushing around the restaurant with hot dishes in her hands, tending to crying children, and trying to not scream in customers' faces. Letting out a dramatic groan, Ji-ho collapsed on a ratty, old couch in the break room.

"One of those days?" her coworker, Duri, asked as his lips cracked a good-natured smile at her antics.

"Yep," Ji-ho answered before pushing her hand into the front pocket of her apron. Her hand emerged to brandish her money. "An utter spit in the face. I only got 1,185 won..."

"If you need any-"

"Hell no. I can pay for rent on my own. Thanks for the offer, though," Ji-ho interrupted, moving to sit up from the couch. "My feet hurt, but I have to be back before curfew. Have a good day, Duri!"

"You too..." he mumbled before shaking his head in defeat. "What am I going to do about that girl...?"

The twenty-six-year-old stopped her stroll when she undid her bike from the stand. Quickly putting on her helmet, she started to pedal down the sidewalk. About fifteen minutes in, her phone began to ring. She stopped by a deserted shop window and pulled out her phone, answering it when she noticed it was her mom calling her.

"Yeah?" Ji-ho listened to the eerie silence for a few moments before prompting her mother to go ahead. Still, no one responded and the girl looked down at her screen. She could see a loading screen now, one that she couldn't get out of.

"Crap, did I get hacked?" she wondered aloud before a foreign song startled her, causing her to slightly jump in place. "Nevermind. Just some stupid-"

Her words failed when she felt herself falling forward and the sound of a car's horn echoing in her ear.

Full Name: Ji-ho Gwan

Age: 26

Pronouns: (she/her)

Born: May 27

Birthplace: Gangnam, South Korea

Occupation: Barista

Quote: "How about you get off your high horse and think about the other people? Not everyone had everything handed to them on a silver platter."

Height: 160 cm

Weight: 47 kg

Likes: relaxation, sunny days, the outdoors, loud places

Dislikes: being told what to do, spicy food, coffee, the quiet

Parents: Mun Gwan (23 at her birth) and Feryal Chergui (28 at her birth)

Sibling(s): None


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