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With a groan, Laurie forced her eyes open, the fluorescent lights waging a war on her surmounting headache. The girl's hand moved to shield her eyes as she propped herself on her elbow.

"Ah, you're awake!" a surprised man exclaimed, his Korean rushed and almost imperceptible to Laurie's untrained ears.

In the back of her mind, she was thankful for choosing to take a foreign language course for three years of her college experience. She directed her eyes upon the young-looking man, who had messy blond hair and soft purple eyes.

Must be his contacts, Laurie thought to herself as she remained silent, waiting for the boy to continue talking. As the silence persisted, she looked around at the room, discerning that the two of them were in a hospital room.

"Why were you passed out on the street?" he finally asked, reclaiming Laurie's attention.

The girl's mind flipped through different words before she finally strung together an answer: "Fell in college."

The young man's eyes scrunched in confusion as he tried to make sense of her poorly spoken Korean. After a few minutes, he was able to decipher her words and quickly replied, "I found you in the middle of the street. Not on campus."

Laurie shook her head in response, confusion coating her thoughts. She had no idea how to feel about the unfamiliar situation she had woken up in. Though she remembered passing out in the middle of one of the roads on her college campus, she had awoken in a hospital room with a boy that spoke in a foreign language, one that Laurie was not particularly skilled in. A sigh drifted from the girl's lips as she tried to fit the puzzle pieces together. However, nothing seemed to-

"My phone...!" Laurie exclaimed, sitting up against the pillows and focusing her eyes on the blond boy. "Where?"

"Ah, it's right here! It got badly scratched, but I will try to pay-" the boy started, rifling through his bag and holding out the phone to her. His words faltered when the girl snatched it from his hands and inspected it closely.

As the boy had said, it was scratched and had an awful-looking crack running through the screen. After assessing the damage, Laurie made a move to turn it on and found herself swelling with anticipation when her attempt proved to be successful. She sifted through her apps before landing on the one that she had been searching for. Immediately clicking on it, the girl steeled herself for the opening. However, it did not come.

Instead, she was met with a wall of text messages. To her irritation, the messages were Korean. With a groan, the girl let her phone fall from her hands and fixed her gaze back on the boy, whose eyes glanced at the opening door.

A nurse, with a bright smile plastered across her face, walked into the room with a tray of food clutched in her hands. She was cheerily speaking, her words too fast for Laurie to pick out. When she was passed the tray, the girl nodded in appreciation. The nurse turned to chat with the young man, who had a warm smile fixed on his face.

Those two look rather similar... Could they be mother and son? No, she looked far too young. They're more than likely siblings, Laurie thought to herself as she noted down the identical face shapes and smiles.

The two carried on a conversation for a few more minutes as Laurie took a sip of the tap water she was given. Soon, the nurse bid the two of them goodbye and returned to her job.

"That was my sister. I was trying to explain your situation. Y-you mentioned a college, didn't you? What college do you go to?" the boy tried, pausing to let Laurie answer. His face screwed up in confusion as he pulled out his phone and looked up the name. "Ah, that's in... Are you not from here?"

"W-what?!" Laurie stuttered as her lips pulled down at his question. She switched back to English to mutter, "What is he on? Nothing that I'm saying would hint that I'm not from Tennesee-"

"Ah, you speak English!" the young man exclaimed, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise. "Erm, you're in South Korea right now."

"What the hell do you mean by that? I'm supposed to be in Tennesee. Shit, my dads are gonna be so worried about me-" Laurie cried out, moving to pick up her phone. However, her hand was halted by the young man's own. "Hey, stop that! I need to text them and make sure that they know I'm safe-"

"...Why do you have that?" Yoosung quietly asked, nodding towards the phone and leaning over to pick it up.

"Let go of my phone," Laurie commanded as she held out her hand. When his purple eyes hesitantly flicked up to look at her and he made no move in handing it over, she snatched the device from his hands and looked down at the texts. "Why are you so enraptured on this? It's nothing special..."


"Shit, that's right. You're not a native speaker. Um, I was asking why you were so focused on this. Does that make better sense?"

The boy nodded in response before pulling out his phone from his pocket and tapping at it. Once he was finished, he handed it out for Laurie to look at. The same messages were printed out on the screen.

"Okay? We have the same app. That's nothing surprising."

"You should not have it."

"What do you mean by that?" Laurie irritably asked as she brushed a curl out of her face. "I'm just as confused as you look. Please... Can you tell me anything?"

"I believe you..." the boy softly replied before adding, "We can try to figure it out together. I will talk to the others and see what we should."

"The others?" Laurie echoed, letting out a sigh when she received no response. "Look, I don't want to sound mean, but you are really getting on my nerves right now."

"I-I can't tell you anything right now. If I could, I would. The others would not be very happy with me if I-"

"Fine then. Don't help me..." Laurie grouched as she rolled her eyes. She looked over at the boy's guilty expression before letting out a sigh. "Look, I think I know something that you can tell me. What's your name?"

"Kim Yoosung," the boy quickly answered, his lips lifting in a slightly cute smile. Laurie felt her cheeks darkening in a blush as she flashed a smile back at him.

Well, shit...

Laurie fought against her mind, which instantly labeled the person in front of her as attractive. She extended her hand to the man as she answered, "I'm Laurie Soule. I really wish that we didn't have such a bad first meeting. You don't seem like a bad guy."

"I hope that I don't," he replied, his lips still spread in that awful smile.

Laurie let out a sigh as she prepared herself for a long-winded journey... 

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