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Kyong's eyes fluttered open to find herself laid on her back, arms, and legs bound with a rough rope. The girl lay in confusion for a few seconds before her eyes flicked over to her surroundings to find that she was in a car with tinted windows. She cautiously changed her position to find that the driver's seat was empty. The idea of being alone comforting her, she tried to slip the rope from her wrists, letting out a strangled cry when her wrists were racked with immense pain. Finding that her work was for nothing, Kyong sighed and peered at her surroundings. She delivered a frantic kick to the car door before her mind was able to come up with a new idea.

The girl forced her hands into her boots, ignoring the pain present. Her lips tilted in a smile when her fingers wrapped around a cool piece of plastic. She pulled the item back from her boots and clicked a button, eyes widening when the glinting piece of metal quickly poked out. She carefully slid the knife between her bindings, letting out a hiss when it slashed at one of her wrists. After a few seconds of hacking, the ropes around Kyong's wrists snapped and the girl took a look at her bloody cut, thankful that it was not too deep. Kyong turned the knife on her leg wrappings and was able to cut it off with little difficulty. The girl stretched her muscles, trying to ready herself to run away, and turned her head to look out the rearview window, which was too tinted to allow her to see anything.

Kyong wrapped her hands around the car handle and silently hoped that her captor was not right outside. She slowly opened it and peeked her head out, finding that the car was parked outside of a gas station. The flickering lights in the convenience store beckoned Kyong, who tightened her grip on the knife and began to run towards the light source through the night.

"Hey, please don't run away...!" a timid voice called out from behind her shoulder, but Kyong did not turn around. Her boots crunched broken glass under her feet as she continued her track. "There's a lot of sketchy people in there-"

"Just shut up! I don't care!" Kyong harshly called out, causing his words to falter and die on his tongue. Her ears picked up gravel being crunched under boots as the boy hurried after her. Her wrist was caught by the taller man, who pulled her back. "Let go of me, you creep!"

"Creep?" he echoed before his eyes grew panicked at the red that was illuminated from the close light source. "A-are you bleeding?! What happened?"

"I wanna go to the store. I-I'm hungry!" The girl tried in vain to convince the boy to let her go, but he was more focused on her wrist now. Her feet helplessly kicked against his own boots as she felt her tears build up. "Please let go of me..."

"Thank goodness I brought bandages in case..." the boy murmured before gently pulling her back towards the car. "I'm really hoping that you weren't hurt any further."

"Go to hell!" she spat out before she was pushed back inside the car. The boy, instead of making a reaction, leaned over to grab a medical kit and made quick work of bandaging up her wrist. Kyong's confusion only heightened when he continued his gentle movements to inspect her rope burns. If he was a threat, why was he treating her so nicely?

"Once we get back, I'll try to find something that can dull the pain," the boy added before leaning back to look over his work. "Alright, that's good enough for now. When we get home, I'll make sure to redress it. It was only a minor cut, thank goodness."

"Look, I've got 100 dollars in my wallet. It's in my back pocket. I promise that my family will give you a lot more money-" Kyong got out as the boy moved to slip back to grab something from the armrest. Kyong's voice died when she realized that they were handcuffs. "Look, you can let me go and I won't tell the police. You can go back to your crime spree and leave me out of this-"

"Crime spree?" the boy asked, face and voice laden with utter confusion. "I don't think I understand you. Also, I don't want your money."

"Don't most kidnappers want that-?"

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