The Informant

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Letting out a heavy sigh, Peter rubbed his eyes and retreated from his friend's house. Though he had his car parked outside, he would rather not be pulled over and given a DUI. He took a seat on a bench outside and turned on his phone, his bleary eyes hurting from the sudden bright light. The twenty-three-year-old pulled out his phone and took a moment to look through his apps. For some reason, a new app had replaced one of his older otome games. Mildly irritated, the man clicked onto it and waited for the game to load.

"I must have done it earlier. I just don't remember it..." Peter tried to explain to himself as he leaned back on the bench. "Urgh, I should probably call someone to pick me up-"

His words died on his lips as he felt fingers curl through his hair, causing him to seize up and check behind him. When he found that no one was there, he quickly got up from the bench and marched away.

"I am not getting possessed right now," he jokingly said to himself as he looked through the night. Knives of bitingly cold air stabbed at his bare arms as he shivered. "Um, hello?"

The silence of the night was broken by a song being played from his phone. Peter jumped at the sudden noise and nearly dropped his phone on the pavement. Realizing that it was just a song from the game, he let out a soft laugh before shakily sitting down on the bench. His mind slowly started to cloud over as his eyelids drooped and he found himself laying down on the bench. His eyes closed to the feeling of fingers running through his hair once again.
【Character Profile Has Loaded】

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

Full Name: Peter Chancellor

Age: 23

Pronouns: (he/him)

Born: August 12

Birthplace: London, United Kingdom

Occupation: Unemployed

Quote: "I know that you want to save everyone, but take a moment to breathe. That is what we all need."

Height: 182 cm

Weight: 73 kg

Likes: loud parties, skylights, concerts, thrift store shopping

Dislikes: bright lights, bees, poetry, rain

Parents: Martin Chancellor (34 at time of birth) and Robyn Cumberbatch (34 at time of birth)

Sibling(s): Poppy Chancellor (he was 2 at her birth), Finn Chancellor (he was 4 at his birth), Felicity Chancellor (he was 11 at her birth)

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