The Believer

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Haven let out a hearty laugh as she watched her younger sister attempt to grab their cat before it skittered away. Leaving her bag on the floor, the girl moved to sit down on their leather couch.

"I come back from teaching little kids, and I find that you are doing something that they would do," Haven warmly teased before adding on, "If you tease Bean too much, he might slip out again."

"I don't wanna go out into the freezing cold to find him. Not again..." Oracle muttered before looking over at her sister with curious eyes. "You forgot your phone, by the way. Every few minutes it had new texts on it. I looked at it, and someone was asking you to come back. I don't really understand..."

Haven's face scrunched up as she tried to think back on the possible person that was messaging her. When she came up with no answer, she grabbed her phone that was sitting beside Oracle's. Over 200 new messages were glaring back at Haven as she pushed her unruly curls back from her shoulders and shook her head in disbelief.

"I have no idea. I'll look after I'm done with my shower, 'kay?"

"Alright. You would tell me if you got a new partner, wouldn't you?" Oracle lightly teased as Haven laughed and rolled her eyes.

"So you can scare them away, pet?" the girl responded before padding into her room. She quickly grabbed an extra pair of clothes and moved into the restroom, locking the door behind herself and looking back down at her phone. Her head snapped up when she heard a banging against the door. "Oracle, you okay?"

When there was no response, Haven unlocked the door and threw it open to reveal no one. The girl, a bit shaken, hurried to check on her sister, who was still curled up on the couch and watching television. Haven let out a sigh before she walked back to the bathroom and closed the door behind herself. Almost immediately, there was an incessant rapping against the door, causing Haven to stiffen up. She let out a string of curses as she felt her legs go weak, holding onto the counter when her strength finally failed and she tumbled to the floor.

Full Name: Haven Motley-Hathaway

Age: 26

Pronouns: (she/her)

Born: July 17

Birthplace: Maryland, United States

Occupation: Teacher assistant

Quote: "If it is truly you that I am destined to be with, I will not shy away from responsibilities that come with it."

Height: 169 cm

Weight: 63 kg

Likes: children, books, the beach, fireworks

Dislikes: silence, arguments, fire, injustice

Parents: Gray Motley (25 at birth) and Giselle Hathaway (25 at birth)

Sibling(s): Oracle Motley-Hathaway (she was 13 at her birth)

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