The Worker Bee

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Anais' laugh left her lips as she adjusted her seat on the chair. She and one of her friends, Charley, were discussing different ways to go around their project for their business class. Charley, of course, was goofing off, as per usual. Anais couldn't find it in herself to get Charley back on track, not after they had recently failed their test. This one was the one that Anais had practically forced Charley to study for. For some reason, they made better grades on the ones that they did not even know about.

"Come on, you cannot tell me that method would not work!" Charley exclaimed, clutching at their side as they shook with laughter.

"I can tell you that it is extremely stupid."

"Ingenious is the word that I would use-" Charley's words were cut off by the sound of a Korean song. Their eyebrows lifted as they pulled out their phone and checked.
"Nope, not mine..." Their lips cracked into a smile as they waggled their eyebrows at Anais. "Did I finally convince you to listen to K-Pop?"

"In fact-" Anais relished the look of absolute excitement on her friend's face before adding, "No, you did not. What is it even saying?"

"Something about opening up your phone... Talking to someone, maybe?" Charley shrugged their shoulders and reminded Anais that she had only been studying Korean for a few days. Anais' friend watched as she rifled through the many pockets of her backpack before pulling out her phone, brows creasing.

"Weird. It's actually mine..." Anais mumbled, her eyes digesting the rather colorful opening. "Is this a cartoon, or-"

"You uncultured swine, it's called anime-!"

"Can you be quiet for a second, Charley?" the girl asked, her heart in her throat when she could practically hear static in her ears. "I need a breather. Be right back..." Anais slung her backpack over her shoulder before heading out of the small room and down the polished hallways. She opened up the door desperately and ran out into the grass. Her lungs fought to get in some air before she felt herself begin to tip backward. She protected her head as she felt herself finally lose her footing.

Full Name: Anais Blanchet

Age: 23

Pronouns: (she/her)

Born: February 17

Birthplace: Toulouse, France

Occupation: University student (business)

Quote: "I know that I probably should not beat myself down about it, but I could have helped them..."

Height: 167 cm

Weight: 62 kg

Likes: hot chocolate, musicals, the smell of spices, clean areas

Dislikes: failure, liars, the dark, crowded areas

Parents: Elliot Blanchet (27 at her birth) and Heloise Lefreve (25 at her birth)

Sibling(s): Alix Blanchet (1 at her birth) and Angeline Blanchet (born when she was 4) 

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