A Dream

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Gianna's eyes fluttered open as she stretched out her arms, the tips of her fingers grazing a fluffy blanket beneath her body. A soft sigh left her body as she reached out for her cat, finding nothing but the covers on her bed. Brow creasing in confusion, Gianna called out for her pet.

"Chichi baby, could you not get up into the bed?" Gianna asked, opening her eyes to find that she had been sleeping in an unfamiliar room. Her heart seized up as she blankly stared at the surroundings.

What was I doing before I woke up here, the young woman thought to herself as her eyes flicked around, searching for any escape.

As soon as she noticed the window, she shakily moved to her feet and rushed to the window. Throwing it open, she found that it led to a steep drop, which Gianna could tell would most likely result in a few broken bones. Disturbed by the idea of this, Gianna drew away and latched the window shut. A heavy sigh left her body as she slumped back down onto the bed, studying the crimson sheets. She reached out to pinch at her arm in an attempt to figure out whether or not she was dreaming. If she had hit her head and passed out, it surely could not have changed her perception of her surroundings, would it?

She shook her head in confusion as she walked towards the door that led outside of the room, looking out into the hallway. Pausing her movements, she waited and listened for any sound of life. In the distance, she was able to make out the repetitive clacking sounds of someone typing on a keyboard. Gianna weighed her option of staying in the room or approaching the person, finally deciding to do the latter.

"Who cares if they might be a crazy axe murderer? At least, I can get some explanation," Gianna muttered to herself as she made her way down to the hall, pausing outside of the door. Steeling herself for anything, she cracked open the door and peeked inside.

The room was dimly lit by the computer, which gave off very minimal light. A person in a hoodie was curled up in a chair, their oddly-colored glasses shining in the light.

"U-uh, hello?" called Gianna, already preparing herself to run away from the scene. "I... Shit, I don't even know what happened. All I Know is that I woke up inside this place. I can't even remember what happened before I went to sleep."

The person suddenly turned around, revealing a messy mop of red hair that framed a shocked face. Gianna slightly relaxed at his appearance, which did not indicate any sort of danger that she should have to worry about.

"How did you get here?" he asked, his eyes focused on the young girl. "You're... not supposed to be here."

"Then, where am I supposed to be?" Gianna replied as she wrung her hands together. Her brow creased in confusion as her mind began to wander. "Wait a minute... Hasn't someone texted me something similar to that before...?"

As soon as she had uttered those words, the man's eyes slightly widened, which she was quick to notice.

"I mean, that sounds like something that a person could say. Do you have a habit of sneaking into random people's houses?" he responded, a chuckle leaving his lips.

"I can appreciate a joke, but now is not the time," Gianna said as she took a look around the room. Nothing else interesting stood out to her. It seemed like the man had set up little trinkets around the room. "Does someone else live here...?"

"No. Why do you ask?"

"Someone could have snuck me in here without you knowing. However, I guess that's not possible..." Gianna's eyes slit in thought as she glanced back at the red-headed young man. "So, am I supposed to believe that I randomly popped up in your house?"

"If you didn't climb in through the window, then I guess that happened. You know, I knew that I was hot, but I never would have imagined I would ever have a stalker."

"Stalker?" Gianna incredulously repeated, shaking her head in frustration. "Look, I'm not a stalker, and I did not climb in through your window. If anything, you look far too relaxed in this situation."

"Are you insinuating that I am the mastermind behind all of this?" he asked, his lips settling into a grin.

"Well, you're certainly not panicking as much as I am, so that must mean something," Gianna responded as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Look, could you just give me a phone? I can just call my mom, and everything can get settled."

"I'm not...sure about that," he said as his face lost its smile.

"...What do you mean by that?"

"Since you're speaking Italian... I'm sorry if I get this wrong, but I do not think that you wanted to end up in South Korea-"

"I-I was in Varese before I woke up here... Wait, but how are you speaking Italian?"

"I'm actually fluent in it. You see, I'm not a dumb blond."

"You're not even a blond..."

"True, but I do have a blond wig in one of my drawers-"

"Who's going to care for my cat? Poor Chichi..." Gianna interrupted, biting down on her thumbnail.

"Ah, you have a cat? What kind?"

"Does that really matter? He could be dying as we speak!"

"Relax. Do you have a roommate or someone that comes by?"

"I live alone, but I'm sure that one of my friends will be searching through my apartment if I've been gone for a few days... How long have I been gone?"

"I'm not sure, but I can assure you that worrying won't help the situation."

"Maybe I'm sleeping right now..." Gianna mumbled as she turned on her heel and began to walk down the hallway.

"Where are you going?"

"Back to the bedroom... If I lay back down, I might be able to snap out of this dream."

As Saeyoung watched you leave, a pit settled in his stomach as he turned his chair back to the computer. His fingers immediately found themselves on the keyboard as he attempted to hack into the game files.

This was not how the game should have played out... Whoever that girl was... She was not supposed to be in the game.

The creators probably should not have made him, a character with a vast knowledge of hacking, sentient. As soon as he had grown tired of the number of resets that he was put through, he had thrown himself into hacking into the game files, attempting to bypass the elaborate security system. However, his work would be erased each and every time a player would reset.

A few game hours ago, he had managed to make it onto the systems before the reset happened. He must have left something damning in his wake...

Saeyoung's posture tensed up as he noticed that the game had been revoked from the public and that the creators had left a hastily-written message about how they had decided that Mystic Messenger was not something that they wanted on their records. Before the app had been closed down, it had been downloaded onto ten people's phones...

"So, how did the lines blur between fiction and reality?" Saeyoung murmured underneath his breath as he pushed his glasses up his nose. "What the hell did I do...?" 

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