The Student

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Laurie's body froze when she heard a song in a foreign language coming from her pocket. Her eyes looked down at the paper test that was laid out in front of her, and a defeated sigh left her lips before she guiltily fished her phone out of her back pocket. Feeling hundreds of eyes boring into her, her brow creased at the unfamiliarity of the screen before her. On it was a few anime characters, none of which were familiar to her. Shutting off her phone, Laurie gulped and directed her eyes to her professor. He sighed and pushed his hand through his graying and thinning hair, shaking his head, before pointing his finger at the door.

Frustrated, Laurie pushed her papers into her backpack and began to walk towards the door. She took a moment to wave goodbye to her roommate before shutting the door behind herself. She delivered a swift kick to the brick wall, immediately regretting it. A string of curses left her lips before she shrugged on her backpack and hurried out of the building's doors and into the cold air. She wrapped her thick sweater tighter around her body, as she looked at the air that left her mouth. She giggled, relaxing just the slightest bit, as she continued her way down the sidewalk that was only just recently laid out on the college campus. Her good mood, however, was short-lived when the same song began to play again.

"What the absolute hell?!" Laurie exclaimed before she pulled out her phone and stared at the screen. It seemed that it was a game-loading screen, and she let out a heavy sigh. "This is absolutely ridiculous-"

Her words caught in her throat when she felt her body fall backward onto the road. Her hands reached up in an attempt to right herself. The last thing she heard before she passed out was the sound of a phone screen cracking.

Full Name: Laurie Sowle

Age: 21

Pronouns: (she/her)

Born: October 25

Birthplace: Chattanooga, Tennesee

Occupation: University student (medical)

Quote: "I can't just sit around and do nothing. I don't care whatever you're going to say. Whether or not you like it, I'm going to do something!"

Height: 177 cm

Weight: 70 kg

Likes: cold weather, sweets, ASMR, old movies

Dislikes: blood, being ignored, arrogant people, unpreparedness

Parents: Tyler Soule (33 years old at time of birth) and Chase Scott (33 years old at time of birth)

She was adopted at four years old because her birth mother had serious health problems.

Sibling(s): none

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