The Coder

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Gianna pushed back from her seat, roughly rubbing at her eyes, as she forced herself to stay awake. Everything hurt, but she had to continue her work. The nineteen-year-old had promised her boss that she would be able to make an entire video game in the coming weeks. Before Gianna had known it, her deadline for the draft was fast approaching.

Taking another sip of her coffee, the girl sat back and stared at the screen in contemplation. She pushed her bangs back from hanging in front of her eyes before moving her fingers back to the keyboard.

So much for a good night of sleep, Gianna mused to herself before a sudden noise caused her to jump. It sounded like something had fallen to the ground.

"Hey, Chichi?" Gianna called out for her cat, turning her head to look for the feline that was sure to come slinking into her room. However, he never came in. Gianna's mouth turned down in thought before her phone pinged with a new notification. She grabbed her phone, unlocked it, and looked down at the screen, which displayed a single text:

How did you get here?

The girl felt her blood run cold as she heard someone walking down the hallways of her apartment. As soon as her body allowed her to move again, she quickly moved to close the door, lock it, and push a chair against it. The girl backed into the far corner as she listened to the footsteps near her door, her heart stopping when the person calmly knocked against the door.

Full Name: Gianna Bianchi

Age: 19

Pronouns: (she/her)

Born: December 1

Birthplace: Varese, Italy

Occupation: University student (chemistry), part-time video game developer

Quote: "Is none of this going to work? I'm really scared that I'm going to wake to find you gone-!"

Height: 163 cm

Weight: 50 kg

Likes: presents, true crime, the smell of mint, cleaning

Dislikes: cemeteries, routine, country music, reckless drivers

Parents: Flavio Bianchi (33 at her birth) and Rosalba LaSpina (39 at her birth)

Sibling(s): Alessio Bianchi (3 at her birth) and Arianna Verga (3 at her birth, adopted when Gianna was 1)

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