The Insider

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Annaleisa kept her eyes trained on the red target as she aimed her gun with steady hands. The girl pressed her tongue to the roof of her mouth as her body recoiled from the pressure of the gun letting out a bullet. Her eyes opened to find that her bullet had just narrowly missed the target, and she let out a heavy sigh. Annaliesa tore off her protective earmuffs and let them fall to the floor.

"You were really close that time~" trilled a voice from behind her shoulder. Annaleisa turned around to toss a smile at Ingrid, who slid her earmuffs off from her ear. The girl had been sitting on a nearby bench, curled up and reading a book.

"Why did you come here if you were going to read?" Annaliesa carefully set down her gun and moved to sit down beside the blond, throwing her arm around her. "I know how much you hate this."

"Look I'm just trying to be supportive-" started Ingrid before sighing and shaking her head. "You're about the only person I would trust behind a gun, to be honest."

"Not to toot my own horn, but I can only trust myself..." Annaliesa paused for a few seconds before squeezing Ingrid's shoulder. "Look, I would gladly get rid of this entire thing if I didn't have to worry about those people that will do horrible things with what they are given."

"...You're going to accidentally kill someone, Annaliesa," Ingrid murmured as she put a bookmark between the pages and shut her book. She turned to look at the girl seriously. "This thing has the power to stop anyone's life. Handle it with as much care as possible."

"I only aim for nonlethal areas, Ingrid."

"Still, there are better ways to go about this issue..." Ingrid murmured before shrugging her shoulders. "I'm not going to hold anything against you. You can do whatever. I'm just going to sit here and read, okay?"

"Fine-" the girl stopped as her phone started to play a tune. "What in the world...?"

The girls turned to look at the device that was set away from the both of them, unable to be turned on by anything. Annaliesa stepped over to turn off the music, mouth turning down in thought.

"That was weird..." she mumbled before her phone dinged with a new text. She opened it up and found that an unknown number had texted her:

𝗣𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝘂𝗽, 𝗥𝗼𝘁𝗵!

"Hey, I-I need to call someone. Give me a second..." Annaliesa murmured before moving out of the shooting room. The girl collapsed against the concrete wall and looked down at her phone. She allowed her eyes to close momentarily before feeling a hand roughly wrap around her shirt.

Full Name: Annaliesa Roth

Age: 24

Pronouns: (she/her)

Born: April 20

Birthplace: Dresden, Germany

Occupation: Athlete

Quote: "We don't have enough time to figure out all of this shit."

Height: 165 cm

Weight: 65 kg

Likes: snowy days, cats, dark colors, boba tea

Dislikes: overbearing people, sour food, thunderstorms, classical music

Parents: Lilie Roth (25 at time of birth) and Adrian Schafer (30 at time of birth, became step-father when she was 7)

Sibling(s): Matti Roth (4 at time of birth) and Melina Roth (born when she was 8)

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