Strange Man

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Ji-ho startled awake, shooting up from where she lay. A silence hung over the room, only causing Ji-ho to panic further. 

"H-hello?" she called out, distress evident in her voice. However, she was not given a response. She attempted to move, but searing knives of pain were shoved through her legs. The girl's eyes swept across the room as a snowy white cat moved into the room, its blue eyes settling on Ji-ho.

The cat merely licked its paw, utterly indifferent to Ji-ho's confusion. 

 "Who's your owner? Do you know if there are other people that are here?" Ji-ho spoke aloud, her eyes still focused on the prim feline. "This place doesn't look like it has been lived in, so I'm not sure about the possibility that someone could be here." 

As she sat back against the well-stuffed pillows, Ji-ho silently admired how expensive the room was. The woman could never dream of living in such luxury. As she ran through events in her mind, she could not understand how she ended up in a possible millionaire's living room. Her eyes fell on the dark purple bruises that peeked out from under her shirt. Shucking off her jacket, Ji-ho surveyed the tender spots that lined her sides. 

"I was probably in an accident..." Ji-ho tried to reason with herself as she looked up at the slowly opening door. 

A well-groomed man dressed in a distinguished suit walked into the room, his appearance shocking Ji-ho. He looked almost exactly like a male lead from one of the Korean dramas that she used to watch. 

"Damn, you must be rich..." Ji-ho muttered to herself, her words causing the man's expression to twist into one of confusion. 

"Pardon?" he asked, causing Ji-ho's cheeks to color in embarrassment. 

"Oh, nothing!" she quickly responded before adding, "Do you know if I was in an accident? The last thing I can remember is stopping my bike because my phone was acting weird..." Ji-ho paused, thinking over the possibility that her phone had influenced the course of events somehow. 

No, that would be simply preposterous, Ji-ho concluded, trying her very best to not entertain such an idea anymore. 

"From what my driver tells me, you were involved in a hit-and-run. Thankfully, my driver was able to retrieve your body. It's quite possible that you could suffer from some form of amnesia, considering that you don't remember any of the events that transpired. I can call up a brain doctor for you-" 

"Oh no! That won't be necessary. I wouldn't even dream of paying for such a thing," Ji-ho interrupted, shaking her head frantically. 

The man's eyebrows shot up in alarm at her insistence. 

"If it's that big of an issue, I will pay for it. There's no point in withholding necessary healthcare from you, especially considering that you could be seriously injured." His eyes dropped down to look at the preening cat, his lips turning up in a brief smile. "I see that Elizabeth the Third has granted you with her company. She must like you." 

"Yes, I suppose so... Could you give me my phone? I need to call my boss and tell her that I probably won't be able to make it to my next shift." 

"Sadly, your phone was completely destroyed. However, I can easily replace it." 

"You can do whatever you deem fit, as long as I don't have to pay you back," Ji-ho hesitantly responded as she passed a hand over her eyes. "My boss is going to kill me." 

"For being injured?" 

"For being absent from work because of my injury. She can't afford to lose one of her employees!" Ji-ho exclaimed, letting out a long-winded sigh. "I really hope that I don't get fired for something like this." 

"Is this business corrupt? Hasn't anyone-" 

"No one is going to do anything about it," Ji-ho interrupted, her eyes widening at her bad manners. "Shit, sorry about that. I didn't mean to sound rude." 

"It's quite alright. If you weren't so frustrated, I would not have taken too kindly to being interrupted." With that, the man turned on his heel, pausing at the doorway. "I must get going. My work is demanding my presence. Elizabeth the Third shall keep you company, and the staff is at your beck and call." 

"Wait, am I supposed to stay here?" 

"You still need to have a thorough examination, which should hopefully take place this evening. In fact, the doctor should be back before you're gone. Now, I must go. Do not move." 

The door closed behind him, leaving Ji-ho on her lonesome. Her eyes flicked down to Elizabeth, who stared up at her with huge eyes. 

"He's a very strange man..." 

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