Chapter Eleven

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"I- I'm bit," Sarita muttered, looking at her hand

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"I- I'm bit," Sarita muttered, looking at her hand. "Oh, God . . . Luna, it bit me. I'm dead. I'm dead."

"You have to stay calm," Clementine said. "They'll notice you."

"It doesn't matter. I'm bit. Oh, god . . . "

"Oh, God, Sarita!" Kenny ran over, Mike following.

"Oh, God," Mike said. "She's-"

"She's fine. She's gonna be fine. Come on, we have to move, we have to go!"

They ran towards the forest. Luna and Clem grabbed each other's hands and ran after them, only to be blocked by a group of walkers.

One grabbed Clem's arm, and Luna quickly sliced it's arm off before pulling it down, and hitting it in the head, making it drop.

"I'm going after Sarah!" Luke suddenly ran past, Nick right behind him, holding his shoulder.

"Luke," Clem muttered.

Luna pulled her out of the way of another walker, and then pushed her out of the way of another, which was shot, and then fell on Luna.

The pair, with difficulty, pushed it off, and then Clem cut it open, quickly putting more guts of the two of them.

They slowly made their way through the crowd, looking for any familiar face, until someone grabbed Clem, pulling her away from Luna.

"No!" Luna went to stab them, but then she heard their voice.

"Shh!" Rebecca said. "It's me!"

The three of them crouched down on the ground, somehow the walkers not seeing them behind the rock.

"Thank god," Rebecca smiled.

"We can't find anybody," Clem said.

"I know. What do we do? Luke was with me, but I-I can't do this alone."

"Three of us stick together," Luna said. "And make our way to where we're supposed to meet. We'll be fine."

"Right," Rebecca looked at the walkers." They're still heading towards the hardware stone. We just have to stick toge-" Her face scrunched in pain, and she held her stomach. "I'm glad you two are here. We can watch each other's backs."

"We stick together," Clem said.

"Thank you. We can clear a path to the trees. Maybe they're thinning out somewhere. Do you see any openings?"

"There." Clem said.

They got up, but as soon as they entered the herd it got thick again. 

"Go back!" Rebecca said.

Luna went to do as she said, and hit into the woman from before.

"Ow, sorry, walker. Oh, it's you."

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