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George wanted to stop after the second one, but Dream pushed him to drink more. And so he did.

"I feel really sick." George said as Dream approached him with the bottle trying to pour him the 6th shot. It was definitely more than enough for George, but of course, Dream was pushing again. And quite aggressively too.

"Come on, Georgie, just one more." George really didn't want any more. "No, Dream, I am done." "I will kill you, or beat you up, i don't know." Dream was already drunk as shit.

Dream remembered about Jane the virgin and ran to the couch. More wobbling than walking. He jumped on the couch and got the remote.

George felt like his brain just couldn't focus on anything. Everything was blurry and everything was hurting.

He also joined the other two. He really can't see himself getting as close to Dream as Sapnap. "Sit, George." Dream yelled at him.

He did as told and sat down. He turned on a completely other show. "Didn't we want to watch Games of Thrones?" Sapnap asked Dream.

"No, it was definitely Gossip Girls." And it was Gossip Girls that started playing. They knew nothing about the show, just had heard the title.

George was feeling extremely badly, but he pushed trough it until 1 am, when Sapnap fell asleep and Dream thought he should sleep too. At that time he had already worn down a bit from the shots.

"I'm getting to bed, if i even make it that far." Dream said and got up with a big wobble in his legs that seemed to not be fully working.

"Goodnight." And he just left, without saying anything or doing anything. Without any warnings or rules.

George as well felt exhausted, and so he also went up to his bed and he fell asleep in the very first minute.

The Sun was up and bright, right in front of his window, killing his eyes. He turned around, frustrated from the stupid orbeez waking him up. He opened his eyes a tiny amount, but just enough to see Dreams creepy head poking trough the door.

"Are you awake?" Dream asked. "Obviously." Dream walked in right up to George who didn't want to get up just yet.

"What do you want?" Georges heart beat a bit faster from how rude the sentence sounded towards Dream. "Okay, I will come back later when you're fully awake."

George turned his head away and rolled his eyes. He wanted to sleep more, but there will be no more falling asleep anymore. Even the slightest turn may wake him up just enough for him to not be able to fall asleep again.

He stood up and everything went black for a second. "Woah." He blinked it out and went out of his room to the bathroom.

He opened his door and Dream was standing there watching his phone, probably waiting for George to wake up so he could say what he had to say.

They watched each other and stood still for a moment, but then George continued walking to the bathroom.

He was leaving his room ready to head down for breakfast. This time Dream wasn't outside his door.

Breakfast is Georges favourite meal, because it's the only one that they are allowed to eat separately in their rooms, the only thing was if you wake up before Dream, you have to wake him also up, but that happened extremely rarely.

The same stair step creaked and Dream abruptly turned his face towards George. He stood up and followed George into the kitchen. "Yes?" George raised his eyebrows at Dream.

"So, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for how I acted yesterday, when I drink i can get quite... forceful." George didn't say anything just watched him as he reminded him of how much of a dick he was yesterday.

He turned away from Dream and went to look for food in the fridge. "Say that you forgive me, George." Dream walked closer to George. "Why?" "Just do as I say, damnit." He wasn't completely yelling, just talking with huge aggression and anger.

"Looks like you don't even need to get drunk to be forcef-." It just slipped. He didn't mean to actually say it. He clasped his hand to his mouth and looked down. Dream didn't say anything, just watched George in anger.

He started breathing heavily as he always does and he swiftly walked up to George an slapped him. George let out a short, high pitched sound, and put his hand on the spot that was already turning red.

George slowly looked at Dream and his eyes, that looked like he was sorry, but also still full of rage. "Go to your room." Dream turned around and paced back to the couch angrily.

Dream slapped him. This was the first slap, and something was telling George, now that Dream got the taste of him being helpless and in pain, he's going to start feeding off of it.

He started walking to his room and reaching top of the stairs, he saw Sapnap at his open door, watching George and his red face, especially the cheek, get closer and closer. His eyes widened.

"Did he?" He whispered and imitated a slap. George nodded and got to his room, his safe haven. He didn't even sit on the bed, but on the ground next to it and tried to hold the tears in. He could see his whole life being just a huge slap across the face.

Dream's probably going to be coming up here, to Georges room and apologizing, again. He's done something shitty and came for forgiveness so many times now. Next time he'll remember to shut his mouth and forgive him, even if he doesn't mean it.

5 quiet hours passed and he was starving. Dream hasn't came pleading for forgiveness yet, and George feels like he won't be coming. Now he just has to wait for lunch.

He would have thought that Dream would try to get lunch to be a bit earlier than usual, to not starve George too much, but nope. It was in fact half an hour later that he and Sapnap got called down.

George was sitting at the front of his door, waiting for lunch like a dog. "Food!" Dream yelled from downstairs and George decided to stand for a few seconds, so he wouldn't seem too desparet. He left his room slowly walking to the table. He sat down at his usual place, and he couldn't not notice how his portion was distinctively smaller than Dreams and Sapnaps.

Forced love // dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now