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Hey guys, this is more of a serious update so I would really appreciate it if you read this.

Earlier this morning (November 3rd, 2021), my great grandpa unfortunately passed away. He has been very sick so I went out of town with my family to visit him last weekend in case anything happened. That was my last time seeing him. He passed away this morning when I woke up for school.

I honestly don't know how to feel. Fortunately I haven't had to deal with loved ones passing away so I'm not sure what I feel. Confused, sad, hurt. I don't know. He's been suffering on and off crying from the pain and saying he wanted to go home but now he's home and is now pain free.

I wanted to let you all know that I'm not going to be updating for a bit. I just want time off of social media just to collect my thoughts and be with my family. Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers.

And remember to not take life for granted. Tel your loved ones that you love them, be there with them, spend time with them cause you never now when they're gonna go.

Thank you to the people who read this, I hope you understand.

Word Count: 225 Words
Written: 11/03/21

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