heeseung as your boyfriend

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planning on doing this tiny boyfriend series for all the members so stayed tuned 😩 (also prepare for this series to be kinda LONG)

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before relationship:
- i want to establish how i think heeseung would get together with his hypothetical significant other
- so picture this. heeseung is a college student. well, a broke college student
- our boy heeseung is struggling a bit with money so what does he do? he gets a part time job
- lee heeseung would start working at the local cafe cause why not make this cliche
- so onto how he met you
- it all started on a normal day with heeseung taking orders and serving customers
- all of a sudden you walk in
- and let me just say, heeseung may or may not have taken a double look (maybe even a triple look)
- right away he finds you attractive and can't help himself but immediately straighten up as you walk up to the counter
- he talks your order while trying his best to not full on stare at you
- he gets your order ready and makes it absolutely perfect for you
- and from then, you started coming in regularly
- to the point where heeseung memorized your order and knew the usual time you come in
- as time flew by, heeseung couldn't help but ask you out one day
- and to his surprise, you said yes
- and that's how your relationship started

during relationship:
- now onto how heeseung is during your relationship hehe
- i feel like at first heeseung would be a bit shy in a way
- like he isn't fully open to doing certain things with you
- but then after a bit into your relationship heeseung is fine with being himself
- meaning he's fine with being affectionate towards you, calling each other different pet names (if you enjoy it of course), and so on and so forth
- i can see heeseung being a bit protective over you
- especially if you're younger than him (even if it's by a few months or so)
- for example, if you decided to wear a somewhat short skirt or dress, heeseung's protective side would come out
- like he would give you his jacket to put around your waist or if you guys went up an escalator, he would be right behind you and immediately put his jacket around you
- you get what i mean?
- heeseung would definitely enjoy going on many dates
- i feel like he'd enjoy going out more on dates but on days where you don't want to, he's completely fine with staying at home and just spending time watching a movie or something
- i can definitely see him showing you off to his friends or family
- he'd feel so lucky to have you and would want to show you off
- can definitely see him as the type to randomly give you back hugs (cause he's literally hella tall)
- also feel like heeseung would be a bit jealous but it's nothing big that'll affect your relationship
- when it comes to fights and arguments between the two of you, there isn't many but there also isn't none
- i can see heeseung as the type to want to avoid as many arguments as he can
- and if there ever is an argument i can see him as the type to mostly apologize first, just cause he can't stand when you guys are fighting
- random; but if you love stuff animals (like me hehe) heeseung would definitely get you quite a bit
- when it's your guys anniversary, i can definitely see him taking you to a fancy restaurant and then afterward doing something relaxing or calming
- like going for a walk in the park or stargazing
- definitely seeing heeseung as the one to be head over heels for you but doesn't really show it you know?
- you guys would definitely have a healthy relationship (based on my opinion yall — don't be coming at me with their birth charts and zodiac signs and stuff, they confuse the hell out of me)
- overall i feel like heeseung would love you so much and would remind you that he loves you a lot

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hey guys!!! guess who's back once again after disappearing for a bit. i'm telling you school is no joke. it's a hustle keeping my grades up 😭 anyways decided to do this mini series of each member being your boyfriends cause why not? not too sure how to feel about heeseung's tho. it is the first one so hopefully i'll get used to it by the time i get to jake and sunghoon's.

anyways let me know what you guys thought about this cause i really don't know how to feel about what i wrote and stuff. i feel like after writing this book for so long, my thoughts and writing are getting worse and worse. hopefully i'll continue to update on a regular basis but i can't make any promises. hoped you enjoyed the update!! i love you all and have a good day/night <3

word count: 841 words
written: 10/29/22

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