Any Suggestions?

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My head has run out of ideas once again sooooo that means you guys can leave any suggestions you want! I know a lot of people have been messaging me about suggestions but at the time suggestions weren't open but now you guys can comment or dm me your suggestions!!

But before you do, I just want to let you know that I may not get to write ALL your guys' suggestions. I tend to pick the ones that I find easy to write about. It's not easy writing things like reactions and such. so if you dm a suggestion just know i may or may not write it, just depends, I hope you all understand!!

And also I'm just a single (one) person writing all these updates so it's not easy writing the many suggestions you guys leave for me.

Please don't leave any sexual suggestions, I don't feel comfortable with writing them down in this book!!

If you have any imagines for me, be sure to leave the member the imagine is about and the plot of the story. From there I have an idea of what to write and may even had my own little twist in it :)

Now go leave me suggestions!!

Word Count: 214 Words
Written: 11/29/21

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