Episode 25: Impossible to defend. Will-o'-the-Wisp-Shot

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At The Riverbank Shinsuke, Tenma, Jelly, Midori, Aoi and Akane are having a small picnic with Tenma's dog tied to a bench looking sleepy and relaxing. Shinsuke takes a big bite from his food.

"Wow you sure are hungry." Tenma said.

"Come on. I can't fight on an empty stomach right? Beside i want to get stronger!" Shinsuke responded.

"yeah having you guys eat this much makes the time well spent." Midori said.

"Do you guys like the food?" Akane askes curious.

"yeah of cours better than Natsumi her coocking skills is always good." Jelly responded.

"It tastes really good." Tenma also replied.

"Thanks for being honest." Midori said as he put hear arm around Jelly who blushed immediately.

"So how are you two?" Akane asked.

"We don't know yet." Jelly and Midori responded at the same time.

"Well there's plenty more food so let's do this first." Midori said while blushing.

"Uhh thanks but i'm pretty full right now." Tenma responded.

"I'll take another one." Shinsuke said happily.

"That's your tenth one. Don't overeat." Aoi said worried.

"It's alright. I'll turn it all into energy. That's how i bring out my Avatar." Shinsuke said.

Everyone seemed flabbergasted as Midori said "Are you serious? Avatar's aren't something you can bring out by eating food."

Akane took another bite out of her food and said "She's right."

"Sorry Shinsuke, but i don't think that's the way it works." Aoi replied with a small laugh.

"Nishiki could bring out his Avatar after he'd eaten. So why can't i do it?" Shinsuke said.

"Oh i forgot. However i don't think that was because of the food he ate." Tenma said.

"It was more about eating than relaxing. I think that was why he was able to demonstrate his real power." Aoi replied.

"Oh... i want to get even stronger though. See we have to win against the Fifth Sector and if i can bring out an Avatar, then i'll know it will be such a huge help." Shinsuke said serious.

"Well it sure would." Jelly responded.

"So that's why you're eating." Tenma replied.

"I'm curious i'd like to know as well. Tenma and Jelly how did you bring yours out?" Midori asked.

"How did..." Tenma said.

"It's good information to have right girls?" Aoi asked.

"It sure is." Akane said.

"Tell us then. Is there some trick to it?" Shinsuke asked curious.

"I don't think it can be obtained easily." Jelly responded

"The thruth is... i don't get it myself. When it comes out it's like this bright light, it's just bursting forth. You know what i'm saying guys? Like you're adding gasoline to a fire. Ahh at least i think it's something like that." Tenma responded.

"With me it's more like i can feel power overflowing and being released as an avatar." Jelly said.

"You don't even know how you brought it out, they're such a mystery." Aoi said.

"What's the reason for that? Why are they a mystery? There are people who can use them and people who can't use them right." Midori responded.

"Let's see here. One of the possible reasons could be that Tsurugi used to be a SEED before Raimon while Tenma and Jelly were never SEED's." Akane replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2022 ⏰

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