Episode 4: The entrance exam!

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Inside the soccer building, all the remaining players were standing in the field gloomy and worried and, yet the atmosphere was completely dark.

"How many do you think will come to join?" asked Kirino calmly.

"We just had all that commotion... i can't tell for this year." Sangoku replied.

"Shindou, why did you say that to those three yesterday?"

"Enthusiasm can only get you so far," Shindou mumbled. "And why are we playing soccer? We need to what we can with only nine members left in the team."

Shindou kicked the ball away but suddenly Tsurugi caught it in mid-air and smirked.

"You mean 10." Tsurugi said before he kicks the ball towards the goal. The team then heard clapping and turned around to see Chairman Kinzan and Fuyukai near the stands.

"Tsurugi is now going to join the team." Kinzan said.

Shindou widened his eyes to these words. ''Is he really going to join the team?'

"Good to be on the team... Captain." Tsurugi said.

Shindou clenched his fists and went to bring Tsurugi a uniform but still angry and shaking from rage.

"Come on Shindou. Hand over the uniform over to him." said the chairman.

Shindou hesitated but offered the uniform to Tsurugi but he just slapped it away.

Shindou widened his eyes then yelled in Tsurugi's face. "Don't you realize what you just did? It's Raimon's uniform!"

"I'm an observer from Fifth Sector. I'm not like you." Tsurugi teased.

Shindou tried to punch him but Sangoku told Shindou to stop.

"Well... since it appears that the introductions are over, i suppose that we'll leave you all now. That's how it is." said Kinzan nervously and went with Fuyukai.

Tsurugi just smirked and walked away while Shindou was still trying to hold down his nerves.


Meanwhile, Jelly is currently some running before school when he noticed Tenma practicing by the riverbank along with Shinsuke.

"Hey guys." Jelly called out to them.

"Jelly! Good timing!" Tenma said as Jelly went down the stairs to approach them.

"I see you guys are very excited for the entrance exam this afternoon." Jelly said with a smile on his face.

"Yeah," Shinsuke said. "Hey, since you're participating in the exam, too, why don't you practice with us?"

"I don't now" Jelly replied as he, Tenma, and Shinsuke practiced.

"This is actually my second time trying out for an entrance exam in soccer." Tenma said as he passed the ball to Shinsuke.

"Really?" Shinsuke asked.

"Yeah. Last time, I tried out for youth soccer team back in elementary school, but I didn't pass."

"I see." Jelly trailed. "Then i'll join you now and maybe, let's pass this exam together!"

"Yeah!" the three of them agreed before they hear the bell ringing. Tenma and Shinsuke and Jelly realized that school is starting so they ran there very fast."


"I wish school ended already!" Tenma mused.

"They sure are in high spirits," Aoi remarked before Midori arrived, saying, "Today's the entrance exam, isn't it?"

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