Episode 14: Shinsuke's hissatsu technique.

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The next day Tenma, Jelly and Shinsuke were training on the Riverbank with Shinsuke his jumping power and Tenma his dribbling and Jelly as a defender for hours as Shinsuke said:"Why don't i have an hissatsu technique?" 

"It's not just something you get it is something where you need to work really really hard for!" Tenma said

"Yes i know but you have Soyakaze Step and Jelly has three hissatsu's Eternal blizzard, Godly tornado and Sword of Shannara." Shinsuke said

"I know but it is not something that just comes if you do nothing. I know if you work hard you will make an hissatsu technique really soon even before the next match." Jelly said

"Tenma i have some food for you and your friends." Aki said as she came onto the field

"Thank you for the food." Tenma, Jelly and Shinsuke said as they ate their food

"Shinsuke do you already know what kind of hissatsu technique you would like to have?" Jelly asked curious

"I would like to have a defending hissatsu because i am a defender you know." Shinsuke said

"Yes that makes sense but for instance Fubuki Shirou was a defender and he sometimes did go with the offence and even scored some goals as a defender with his hissatsu techniques." 

''Yes but to start with a defending hissatsu technique would be the best i think."

After lunch they start training again until it is almost dark and Tenma and Shinsuke go and leave Jelly behind to practice some more until Atsuya appears in his head. "Well the only thing you need is a defending hissatsu technique and i think i know just the one." Atsuya says as jelly screams "No i want to make my own i don't need your help i am strong enough without you!" 

"Oh really who made that goal against the Black Knights? I did that and did you even scored a goal yet during a match? You have barely passed a defender without me and you can do it without me don't make me laugh."

"Fubuki did it without you so i can too!" Jelly said aggresively

"It is so cheap that you think that happened but we merged together and that can only happen when you let me do all the work so why not you can only get better from it and you can be worse without it so why take the risk?" Atsuya said confident

"What do i do?" Jelly said hopelesly

"I am glad we have decided that i do all the work." as Jelly his eyes turn orange they practice ice skating over the floor until a little bit of ice appears and Atsuya says "frozen skater." and then the ball in the middle of where they were circling around was a big piece of ice about 3 meters high and 2 meters wide and in the lenght. "I knew i could do it ofcourse without your help. You see this is going way easier then when you try it. Now let's go home." After this Jelly's eyes turn normal again and he goes home.

The next day the team is in the club room without Tsurugi hearing who they go up against in the finals wich was said to be Aoba academy. 

CMM:"And the team who goes against the Raimon Eleven is Teikoku academy."

"What?" Shindou said in confusion

"That doesn't make any sense!" Amagi protested "We're supposed to be up against Aoba academy!"

"We're doomed..." Hayami said afraid

"We were notified this morning that these Block divisions were revised to reflect it's current standing." Haruna said

"Isn't it more like they went to change Aoba and Teikoku around?" Hamano said

"They went out of their way to change the semi-finals and Teikoku Academy has to go up against us in the finals."Sangoku said

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