An.. Intruder?

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{Time: 4:15pm}
《Setting: Y/N's path home》

As Y/N was walking home, she felt her phone buzz in her back pocket. She reached for it, checked her notifications, and noticed that it was a text from TK! The message said "Hey, sorry for kinda lashing out at the diner, I know that wasn't cool. Also sorry for not announcing that I was leaving, something important came up, and I had to go asap"

'Oh, I hope everything is okay! I should probably text back.' Y/N thought, as she hastily wrote back to TK. "No no, it's okay. Peter didn't seem too bothered about it. Is everything okay with you though?" A few seconds after she sent the message, they replied back with a text saying "Yeah everything's fine. I just had to finish an important assignment for college. Nothing too drastic. Why? What did you think happend?"

Y/N read their message, and sighed in relief. 'I'm just glad they're ok.' She thought. Y/N texted back "Oh nothing, I'm just glad you're okay, and you aren't mad at me or anything. I did sorta yell at you today.. so sorry about that." Tk awnsered back with "Oh its fine, don't worry about it. Anyways I gotta get back go my assignment. See ya." "Bye tk" She wrote.

A few minutes past, and Y/N was almost home but she stopped in her tracks when she saw that the front door of her house was open. "What.. the hell?" She said out loud. She's sure that she closed the door when she left for work. "M-maybe Lucy is just home early, and forgot to c-close the door behind her." She stuttered, shakily approaching the door.

She took a switch blade out of her apron pocket, and held it firmly. 'If anyone's in here.. I'll need this to defend myself..' She thought. "LUCY. ARE YOU IN HERE?!" Y/N yelled, waiting for a response, she slowly opened the blade.

. . .


A/N- Sorry for the short chapter, I've been sorta busy and just wanted to make this quick one so I don't leave you guys hanging for too long. Hope you like the story so far!  :]

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