Jabba's son, Round 2, Aftermath

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Axel POV

We stand around a droid looking at it Anakin said "Too many droids here for them to be renegades" I look at him "I sense Count Dooku's hand in this" He looks to Rex and me "Let's find Jabba's son and get outta here" Ahsoka said "No problem" We look to her "The hard part's over" Anakin said "I wish you wouldn't say that".

Anakin, Ahsoka, Rex, four clones and I start heading for the monastery going down the courtyard and reaching the door I open it up we enter I turn my headlights on Rex and the clones did the same Rex said "I don't like this place" I look around "It gives me the creeps" I said "I agree it's too quiet" We keep walking.

Ahsoka said "This looks like one of those B'omarr monk monasteries that I read about in my studies at the Temple" I look to the side then back Anakin said "Smugglers take these monasteries over, turn them into their own personal retreats" I turn my head Ahsoka ask "And the monks just let them" Anakin stops he said "Smugglers usually get what they want one way or another".

He looks at Ahsoka we stop looking forward to hear a noise to see a 4-A7 droid walking to us Ahsoka ask "Good guy or bad guy, Master" Anakin move his lightsaber he ask "who are you" 4-A7 said "Merely the bumble caretaker, O might sir" 4-A7 stop by the lightsaber "You have liberated me from those dreadful battle bots".

I kept staring at him "I am most thankful" Anakin deactivated his lightsaber he ask "Where is the Hutt" 4-A7 said "The battle bots kept their prisoners on the detention level" He raise his arms "I must warn you it is very dangerous down there, my friend" He looks towards Ahsoka "Not a place for a servant girl".

Ahsoka ask "Do servant girls carry these" She activated her lightsaber aiming it at 4-A7 "I am a Jedi Knight..." I see Anakin cross his arms and Ahsoka notice deactivated her lightsaber "...or soon will be" 4-A7 said "A thousand apologies, young one" Ahsoka walks pass him as Anakin said "Captain, Axel, Ahsoka and I will get the Hutt" I look to him "Stay here and keep your eyes open" Rex nod said "Copy that, sir" Anakin and I walk forward passing 4-A7 follow Ahsoka.

3rd POV

Meanwhile in a room a group of droids chattering then Ventress enters she stops and raise her hand activating the holodisk to reveal Dooku who stares Ventress said "they have taken the monastery, Master" She turns her gaze "Skywalker is here" She looks back "He's on his way to rescue the Hutt".

Dooku said "Well, done, Ventress" He raise his head "All is going according to plan" Ventress said "I could easily take them now" But Dooku said "Patience" He leans a bit forward "Collect the data I need" The hologram static "You will get your chance at revenge soon enough" With that the hologram disappears a Droid calls "Mistress, the Jedi and the clone have entered the dungeons".

Axel POV

We walk down the hallway we walk pass a room Ahsoka ask "Master, you know you're leading us into a trap" Anakin said "I know" We walk pass another room that had droids in it Ahsoka said "We just passed two more droids" I kept staring I said "He knows" Ahsoka said "Well, I don't like this" We keep walking "Can I just take care of them".

I hear the droids walking Anakin said "Oh, well, if you feel so strongly about it" He looks to me "What do you say, Axel" I look at him then forward I said "Be our guest then" Ahsoka grunts we turn watch Ahsoka took out the weapons and slash a droid in half and deflect a laser hitting another droid we stare watching the battle until they're destroyed.

Anakin said "Not bad" Ahsoka turns to us "You remembered to destroy their weapons first" I said "And kept your guard up" Ahsoka deactivate her lightsaber she said "I'm improving your technique" Anakin activate his lightsaber and stab behind him I turn mine on and stab behind me hearing the droids cry we deactivated ours putting on our belts Anakin said "Of course, you did miss two".

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