The Road To Corinth

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Listen carefully, okay? We don't have a lot of time. It started three years ago. The World Internet Federation reported the appearance of an aggressive new computer worm-- The Venjix Virus.

A year later, it was estimated that Venjix had already infected 37% of the world's computer systems. By then, it was too late. Venjix took control of the world's communications, power, and defence systems. It built armies of advanced robotic soldiers that laid waste to everything in their path. There was no stopping them and Venjix declared victory.


But it's not over-- Not yet.

If you can hear my voice, please go now to the domed city of Corinth. It is the only place we can be safe. But you have to make it inside the city walls before the defence shield is activated.


The domed city of Corinth is surrounded by jets and battles going on.

A truck filled with survivors pulls up to the entrance of the dome, dodging lasers being fired at them.

"Hurry up! Let's go!" a soldier said to the people he was helping out of the truck.

A man known as Colonel Truman stands next to his vehicle looking at the battle as the flames of a small explosion reflect off of his sunglasses.

"Colonel Truman! Colonel Truman!" a soldier known as Hicks calls for his boss.

"Easy son," Colonel Truman stops him from continuing. "Get yourself together and give me a proper report."

"Yes, sir." Hicks informed. "They've broken through the west corridor into zone delta, sir. We can't hold them off."

Colonel Truman takes off his glasses and looks to Hicks with an extra serious expression. "Eagle Squad?" was all he said.

The Soldier shook his head "We lost contact with them a while ago sir." he reported sadly. He knew that the squad had the colonel's two sons in it and being the bearer of bad news wasn't an easy task. "Sir?" he questioned when the older man did not answer.

"Go shoot at something." the Colonel ordered dismissing the Soldier.

"Sir yes sir." the soldier responded as he turned away. Colonel Truman looked on to the battle once again.

A young 19 year old Scottish man named Flynn McAlister is driving a bus filled with injured and non injured survivors into the domed city.

"Hang on, folks," Flynn tells the people as he stops the bus after driving at a fast pace for a while.

Flynn picks up the upper body of the soldiers Venjix created called Grinders.

"You no-good pile of worthless crap!" Flynn yells as he tosses it out of the bus.

Flynn notices a woman in her thirties walk up to the bus and he turns to the little girl sitting in the closest seat to the door.

"Oh, hi. This will be your stop little lass," Flynn said, picking up the little girl and handed her to her mother.

"Thank you," the woman said desperately clutching her daughter to her and walking away.

"You're most welcome," he replied back in his Scottish accent.

"You!" a voice yelled and he turned back around to see the leader of Corinth behind him.

"What are you doing behind the wheel of one of our transport buses?" Colonel Truman asked, aggravated a little.

RPM Pink/Cyan (Dillon x oc x Eric Northman)Where stories live. Discover now