Ranger Blue

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Dr. K was currently discussing how the zords work and how they are built. Bella understood most of it. She wasn't as smart as Dr. K, but she was better than average intelligence. Bella sat on a stool next to Dillon. Bella is wearing a plain pink shirt, her RPM leather jacket, cyan skinny jeans, and black high heel ankle boots "As promised, I will now open the floor to any and all questions regarding the Ranger Bio-Series suits, vehicles, and hardware." Dr. K said. Bella looked around and saw no hands raised.

"Anyone." Dr. K wanted to answer a question. She sighed in annoyance.

"Speak now, or forever hold your peace." Dr. K said. Then, everyone, except Dillon and Bella, raised their hands. Ziggy raised both of his hands. Dr. K pointed at Scott. He asked a question about the 'eyes' on the vehicles, but Dr. K was confused.

"What do you mean 'what eyes?' Right there. The front of our zords." Scott pointed to his vehicle. The Eagle zord has a beak and two eyes in the front. All of the zords have eyes, but not to Dr. K.

"They are not eyes. They're optical field scanning sensors for your cockpit's A2D display." Dr. K said. But everyone, except Bella, agreed with Scott that they were eyes. Anime eyes to Ziggy.

"Dr. K, for the average intelligence, the scanning sensors are like binoculars." Bella said.

"Something like that, yes. Next." Dr. K said. Dr. K was pleased to have Bella 'dumb it down' for the rest of the team. The next question was Ziggy.

"Sometimes when I morph, I can't help but notice this gigantic explosion right behind me, for no apparent reason." Ziggy said.

"I assume you're referring to the residual energy runoffs that are sometimes necessary to clear the suit's biofield channels during the morph." Dr. K explained

"I'm referring to the six-story-high fireballs, like that one right there." Ziggy pointed to the screen that showed a big fiery explosion behind him when he finished morphing.

"Basically, it's releasing extra energy that could possibly be harmful if kept contained?" Bella asked.

"Correct. But it doesn't happen all the time when you morph, so you release that energy while fighting." Dr. K said.

"Now, could that happen to me in the kitchen or something?" Ziggy asked.

"And why in the world would you want to morph in the kitchen when there's nothing to attack?" Bella asked. Ziggy looked at her and shrugged his shoulders. He looked back at Dr. K for an answer, and all he got was 'Next.' Now, Flynn.

"When we morph, is it... absolutely 100% necessary that we scream, 'RPM Get In Gear,' at the top of our lungs?" Flynn asked. Bella rolled her eyes.

"Uh, that's a very good point. Uh, some of us out there are trying to impress chicks. It's definitely not helping." Ziggy said.

"The vocal call out is a voice-recognition safety and security measures." Dr. K said.

"And, Ziggy, 'chicks' can't see you anyway when we lead them away from danger while we go towards said danger. Why would this be a problem?" Bella asked. Ziggy opened his mouth to answer, but nothing came out, so he shut up.

"Well, maybe we could have a bit of a change." Flynn said.

"A change?" Dr. K looked at Bella with an annoyed face that said 'Unbelievable.'

"Um, like, um... 'Rangers to the Rescue,' or, um, 'Ranger Justice Unleashed'?" Flynn suggested. Bella started laughing.

"Justice is an abstract ideological concept. We deal with tangible realities, not justice. You want justice... read a comic book." Dr. K said. Sometimes, Dr. K feels like Bella is the only one she can relate to sometimes. Before another question could be answered, the alarm went off.

RPM Pink/Cyan (Dillon x oc x Eric Northman)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora