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It was nighttime and Bella was in a car across from the Hamby's. Or at least, she was assuming it was Jessica Hamby's house.

"GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" Bella stared down at her fingernails as the sound of shuffling feet and Sookie's apologies met her ears.

"When exactly did it feel like a good idea to bring a newly formed vampire back to her over-protective, Christian parents?" Bella wanted to gain some clarity on this.

"I know," she whimpered, turned around fully into her seat to stare at the busted in door of the Hamby house. "I just - All I could think about was Gran." Her eyes met mine, deep and desolate. "All we have are these memories and - and it's nothing. Gran isn't anything but a memory and we're just - just here. Just here without her. But Jessica - Jessica still has her mom and her dad. They're still here and why - why would I tell her that she can't see them?"

"It was stupid," Bella finally whispered. "But I understand. I - I don't know if I would have been able to do anything else."

"GET IN!" The door beside her slammed open suddenly to admit a hiccuping, frazzled Jessica. Curdled blood tracked down her cheeks, fangs peeking out from her lips every time she let out a bellowing wail.

Briefly, her crystal blue eyes met Bella's before she was curling into the corner of old yellow. Bella was more inclined to do that as well as the whole car shivered as Bill got into the front seat. Even unable to see his face, Bella could tell from the way that Sookie recoiled into the seat that his face was thunderous.

Bella had never particularly favored being the audience to a full-blown couples fight.

They turned a corner sharply, picking up to near-suicidal speed in our rickety car. Old yellow wasn't a race car. She wasn't even really an average car of average construction. That was on full demonstration as the trunk was making a disturbing rattling.

"Um, Bill honey," Bella started sweetly, trying not to wince at the resulting snarl that I got. "Could you maybe go down to like 80 - 70?"

The whine that old yellow gave as they sped up was enough to send her fumbling for a seat belt. It was making her nauseous. And right now she was feeling that at full blast as they bumped onto one of the many dirt roads that would lead them past Shreveport and deeper into the bayou.

"Bill, slow down!" Sookie had never had the same problems as Bella but from the wobble in her voice, she could gather her uneasiness. Bella gagged a little as the gravel road got rougher and the car bounced mercilessly. "Bella's turning green!"

"Please!" Hysteria was evident in Sookie's voice but Bella couldn't look anymore. If I saw the trees and road blurring around them any more than she was going to lose all the content of her stomach. "You're scaring me."

Ah, yes. Only the threat of Sookie's fear would be enough to get her to stop. Bella yanked open the door as they slammed to a stop, not getting farther than a step outside of the car before everything in her stomach was in the dirt. Bella's nose and eyes stung as she gagged, coughing a few more times.

"Dude you're worse than even Dillon." Bella said. Softly, she heard her sister's voice trying to soothe Bill into a more comfortable state.

"She is a vampire!" Bill was snarling to Sookie. Lamely, Bella wobbled back to the open car, slouching down into the back seat as her head gave a swirl of relief. At least one part of her body was content. "She has no family."

Bella shook her head, taking a bottle of water. Jessica was yelling by now, her words halting since she was still sobbing a little.

"I HATE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!" She screamed, her teeth bared as she stared down the back of Bill's head.

RPM Pink/Cyan (Dillon x oc x Eric Northman)Where stories live. Discover now