Ranger Red

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Bella watched as the rangers left the garage to fight Venjix intruders. Scott went with Ziggy to a playground that had Grinders. Dillon, Flynn, and Summer went somewhere else invaded with Grinders. She then returned to the Ranger Lab to listen in on the fight. It may be lonely since Dr. K had to focus on the rangers and their movements, but it was worth it to see the rangers moving towards victory and the defeat of Venjix. She is wearing a white hoodie with grey stripes, a light brown shirt under the hoodie, jean shorts, and purple converse shoes. Bella then noticed a screen to see five colorful columns appear.

"Looks like they morphed." Bella said.

"Locking onto Attack Bot. Sending coordinates." Dr. K said as she sent the location of the Attack Bot. The rangers regrouped, but no Attack Bot was found.

"This can't be right. The coordinates are right where we're standing." Flynn said.

"Have you ever considered checking underground?" Bella asked.

"Bella is correct. The coordinates are accurate. The Venjix Attack Bot is traveling north in a subterranean mining tunnel 28 meters below your current location." Dr. K said.

"Doc K, down-morph the remote Croc Carrier Zord." Scott said. Dr. K was immediately on it.

"Down-morphing and launching of new remote zord initiated." Dr. K said. Bella could hear everything the rangers were saying and she could figure out what they were doing. Now, Ziggy pulled out the Croc Carrier disk to call the zord. Unfortunately, Ziggy yelled in pain.

"Ziggy!" Bella yelled, worried for him. Then she heard all the rangers yell in pain. The Croc Carrier shot out from right below the rangers.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Dillon asked.

"The zord went haywire." Bella said.

"Misfired zord will hit city electrical tower in 3, 2, 1, impact." Dr. K said. Bella could hear the faint sound of the tower collapsing outside from where she was standing.

"There are people over there." Bella said.

"Guys, we have to go back and help." Summer said. They all agreed, but Dr. K stopped them.

"Negative, Rangers. You will continue pursuit of escaping Attack Bot per my orders." Dr. K said.

"But Dr. K, there are lives at stake." Bella said. Dr. K chose to ignore her. After a moment of suspense, Bella sighed in relief. The rangers decided to go and help the civilians at the city electrical tower.

"Doc K, threat is neutralized." Scott said. Bella smiled, but Dr. K thought the opposite.

"Negative, Ranger Series Red. You've allowed the target to escape. And from the look of it, it may be the most dangerous Attack Bot Venjix has ever created." Dr. K said.

'Over exaggerate much?' Bella thought. She knew the rangers could handle anything that comes their way. After the rangers got back, Bella went to greet them.

"Dr. K might not think so, but you made the right decision to save those people." Bella said.

"But we also let that Attack Bot get away. And Dr. K said it's the most dangerous one we've faced." Scott said.

"If you would have let those people get hurt or worse, you would be no better than Venjix. Trust me. You made the right choice. And besides, you can beat this bot. I know it." Bella said

"Thanks, Bella." Scott said

"Anytime." Bella said. She noticed that Dillon was looking at her. She gave him a quick smile before going to the kitchen. Dillon smiled, but immediately lost it when he realized he was still around his teammates. Bella went to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle. She was about to take a sit, until Dr. K called the rangers for a meeting to discuss the Croc Carrier. She walked over with them. She noticed Ziggy sleeping on top of a bowl of cereal.

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