Go For The Green/Pilot

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Next morning Bella drove back to Gran's house in a good mood. Upon walking in Bella's mouth watered at the smell of coffee and bacon hitting her nose.

"Well don't that smell good" Bella smiles as she made her way towards where Adele was cooking.

A quick kiss to her Gran's cheek, she flits her way to the coffee pot smiling when she saw that her favorite mug was right next to the machine and that there was just enough left for her.

"Breakfast will be ready in a bit," Adele informs over her shoulder and Bella lets out a hum in acknowledgment sipping on her coffee as she joins Sookie at the table who was watching the news with rapt attention.

"Demons." The reverend exclaimed, "Literally they  have no souls!"

Bella rolls her eyes, "Because being a crazy cult leader is so much better" she mocks.

Bella sips on her coffee as she watches Reverend Newlin and Nan Flanagan in amusement as they continue verbally sparring on live television. Bella had to admit watching the Reverends face turn redder then a tomato as he grew increasingly annoyed at Nan was better than reality TV.

"I will not speak to her directly, Sharon" The Reverend states.

"Why is that, Reverend Newlin?" Sharon, the news lady asks.

"My commitment to Christ Jesus, praise His name, compels next not to recognize her kind" He replies and this time Bella nearly spits out her coffee as she starts cackling.

"Oh Christ, this is just gold" Bella laughs, wishing she had some popcorn.

"You know these are serious matters" Sookie glares.

"Well Venjix is an even more serious matter." Bella said.

Before Sookie could respond, Adele walks back into the kitchen and Sookie turns off the TV making Juliette pout but that was soon turned to a smile when Adele placed some sausages in front of before walking away to grab the eggs.

"I don't think Jesus would mind if somebody was a vampire," Sookie comments.

"I don't either, honey" Adele responds, placing some eggs onto Sookie's plate before turning and placing double of she gave Sookie onto Bella's, who just dig right in with a happy moan.

"Mhm, is this sausage different from what you usually make?" Sookie asks.

"No." Adele shakes her head.

"Huh, it tastes so much more complex than it usually does," Sookie says taking another bite.

"Oh, dear, you think it's gone bad," Adele frowns.

"It's delicious" Sookie assures turning back to Adele, "It's like I can close my eyes and I can see the farm the pig lived on, and feel the sun and the rain on my face, and even taste the earth that the herbs grew out of."

During Sookie's little explanation she didn't realize Bella had stopped eating and was now giving her a weirded out glance.

"What?" Sookie asks when she finally sees the look on her sister's face.

Bella swallows the eggs in her mouth before replying, "You have issues," she deadpans.

"Oh like you can talk" Sookie scoffs.

"Hey, I never denied mine but seriously 'the earth that the herbs grew out of'?" Bella smirks, "What are you a fairy?"

"Oh, shut up."

The sound of the door opening halts the girls banter and they turn to see Tara walking in.

"Hey, Miss Stackhouse" Tara smiles, making her way over to the coffee machine and grabs a mug.

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