What He Beheld

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A crackling sound was heard from a warehouse in the outskirts of corinth. Lightning and a bubble of blue energy appeared seemingly out of nowhere and made a perfect circular crater in the ground.

At the bottom of the crater crouched a woman, completely nude. She stood up and looked at her surroundings.

Time Displacement Successful... Running Systems Check...

Terminator Model Number: T-X

Endoskeleton Integrity: 100%

Mimetic Sheath Integrity: 100%

CPU Integrity: 100%

Power Source Status: Fully Charged

Onboard Weapons Status: Ready

All Systems Operational... Retrieving Mission...

Mission Retrieved...

Primary Mission: Terminate John Connor, Bella Connor and Cameron Phillips

Secondary Mission: Terminate Listed Targets

Elizabeth Anderson

William Anderson

Jose Barrera

Simon Taylor

Isaac Hall

Fritz Roland

Ted Snavely

Sharlene Gen

Vince Forcer

Tertiary Mission: Ensure the creation of Skynet and eliminate any threats to its creation

The terminatrix stepped out of the crater and considered how to proceed.

Action: Acquire Transportation

The terminatrix walked out of the warehouse and noticed a silver convertible on the side of the road. A blond haired woman in a red jacket stood beside the convertible with a cellphone in her hand. The terminatrix examined the car.

Scanning vehicle... No fuel detected in fuel tank... suggesting action...

The woman hung up the phone and noticed the terminatrix for the first time.

"Oh my god, are you alright?" She asked.

"Fine" the terminatrix replied, "I like your car."

The woman looked confused. She was about to reply when the terminatrix reached out and snapped her neck with one hand.

Fifteen minutes later, after she had found gas for the car, the terminatrix was driving down the road.

Action: Locate targets

The terminatrix pulled out the woman's phone and put it near her mouth. A mechanical tone was heard.

Hacking into city and school records...

Secondary targets located

Action: Proceed to nearest target

The terminatrix turned down the road and headed to her target.

Michael Kane stepped out of a time displacement crater that had formed in the middle of a road near a bunch of warehouses in the corinth industrial district.

He looked around and noticed no one else was in the immediate vicinity. He also noticed that he was surprisingly hungry. "Hmm, that's weird" he said to no one in particular. "I just ate before I came, time travel must have taken a lot out of me."

RPM Pink/Cyan (Dillon x oc x Eric Northman)Where stories live. Discover now