Ranger Pink/Cyan

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Bella was sitting on a stool in the kitchen, confused and bored. Bella is wearing a white shirt, grey skinny jeans, and purple boots. She also has on a black leather jacket with a design of purple angel wings on the back. Bella put her hair in a simple low bun with a streak coming out from each side. Everyone was in the Ranger lab discussing who knows what with Dr. K. They, along with Dr. K, told Bella she couldn't go in because it was for Rangers only.

'I've always been with them. What changed?' Bella thought. She sighed and wrote something on a sticky note she found. She stood up, put the note on the fridge, and left the garage.

'I can't stay still in one place too long.' Bella thought. She was walking down the streets of Corinth.

~Inside the Ranger Lab~

"Do you all agree on Bella being Ranger Pink/Cyan?" Dr. K asked. Everyone nodded.

"Does she need to perform a series of tests like Dillon?" Summer asked.

"Not really since she has proven herself many times before." Dr. K said.

"Shouldn't she be here to know about this?" Dillon said.

"I believe it would be better to plan this out before saying anything. She may not want to accept this." Dr. K said.

"I saw her fight against Tenaya and a group of Grinders. Ask Dillon, he was there." Ziggy said.

"She's also helped me in retrieving the flux overthruster. And that poison mask she made proves that she's smart." Scott said.

"I can't deny that. If you want, you can go tell her now." Dr. K said.

"Awesome. Come on." Flynn said. They left the Ranger lab, but there was no sign of Bella.

"Where is she?" Summer asked. They started calling out her name, no response.

"Guys." Flynn said. The others went to Flynn, who was in the kitchen.

"It's alright. She left a note. Bella's fine." Flynn said. He handed Dillon the note and Dillon read it out loud.

"'Hey, guys. I wish I could tell you where I am if you need me, but I have no idea where I'm going. Just wandering around Corinth. Getting to know the city. Got bored, but I'll be back soon'." Dillon said. He gave the note back to Flynn.

"So, divide and conquer?" Ziggy asked.

"First one to find Bella, calls the others." Summer said.

"Alright. Let's go." Scott said. Flynn flipped over the note.

"Wait, there's some writing on the back." Flynn said.

"What's it say?" Scott said.

"'P.S. I took one of your lollipops, Dillon. Hope you don't mind.'" Flynn said.

"Of course." Dillon said. They all laughed for a short moment. Then they left the garage in search of Bella.

~With Bella~

Bella was walking near the stores of Corinth with a lemon flavored lollipop in her mouth and listening music on her phone with one earbud on.

'I wonder how Dillon is doing.' Bella thought. He was all Bella could think about. Dillon is smart, cute, kind, caring. Bella could go on. Dillon captured her heart, and Bella didn't want it back. It's been a while since Bella admitted to herself that she is in love with Dillon. But she doesn't think that Dillon would return her feelings, so she never told him or anyone. Bella found a trashcan and threw away the lollipop stick.

Bella's thoughts were interrupted by the screams of the civilians. She turned around to see the people running away from Tenaya and a large group of Grinders. Bella saw a child stare at the Tenaya while Tenaya was walking towards the kid. Bella quickly took off her earbuds and shoved it in her pocket where her phone was. She ran to them.

RPM Pink/Cyan (Dillon x oc x Eric Northman)Where stories live. Discover now