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Bella drove to the town of Kenmore alone as she had separated from the group. It's been two days since she met with the rangers, two days of own survival. She was so lucky she actually packed extra supplies on her motorcycle just in case she got hungry all of a sudden. While in the wasteland she also met with a few grinders, which provided her with gas.

Finally seeing a city covered in smoke, she drove through. Driving further and slower just in case of an ambush. As soon as she entered the town, she had a bad feeling about it then encountered trouble.

She drove further, seeing the Go-Onger. Looking from left and right, she found a parking/hiding space. Parking her motorcycle inside the narrow alleyway, she got off and ran to find the other rangers.

She had seen a Grinder on the way there, it had to be a trap, they don't hang around in abandoned cities.

"Scott? Summer, Dillon, oh hey." Bella said seeing them.

"Are you ok?" Dillon asked as he, Scott, and Summer joined together.

"Yes but..." Bella said.

"Dillon, it's a trap," Ziggy shouted, cutting Bella off and rushing over to them with Flynn in tow.

"The memories aren't real, it was all Venjix." Flynn said.

"Trap?" Dillon repeated.

Just then a bomb was sent to their feet. Bella acting quickly threw the bomb up away from them, but the explosion was close enough to knock them off of their feet. A bot and Grinders appearing in front of them.

"Welcome to Omega city," the bot said.

"Always liked the word Omega, don't ruin it for me," Bella grumbled.

The rangers stood up, "attack!" The bot ordered.

Jumping over a small group of Grinders, Bella roundhouse-kicked them, throwing them into the wall of a building. Dust flew in all directions as the decayed wall crumbled slightly under the pressure; with their comrades down more Grinders swarmed at the white Ranger and surrounded her.

Kicking up, Bella planted a kick against the side of a Grinder's head, propelling it sideways into more of its companions. She laughed as the fell like stacks of domino's, before grunting and struggling against several more grinders that grabbed her arms from behind.

They rushed her towards a stone wall, intent of squashing her against it, but instead Bella run mid-way up the structure and flipped over. She drew her arms in the second she landed and smashed the two Grinders together. They grabbed their heads and slumped to the floor.

As they finished with the Grinders, they regrouped and went for the bot. In human form, they weren't any opponents to the Bot, they quickly fell. For a second trial, the rangers got up standing in a line preparing to morph. "Ready!" Scott called out.

"Ready, RPM get in gear!" After they morphed they went all out to attack the Bot. They were still easily tased aside. The Rangers were on the ground when the Bot threw a bomb at them. They watched as Silver and Gold came to their rescue. In close view, the new rangers were similar and different to the current ones.

'Dr. K is the only one with the ranger tech. She was the original creator meaning she ... knows them.' Bella thought.

Returning to the real world she heard the Bot say before running away "I'm not done yet." In her gut, she believed every single word he said.

The rangers watched as Silver and Gold jumped onto their Zords. "Hey wait a minute," Flynn called.

"We just want to talk to you," Scott said towards where they flew off.

RPM Pink/Cyan (Dillon x oc x Eric Northman)Where stories live. Discover now