Doctor K

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Bella was walking towards the Ranger Lab with Summer. As they were walking, they heard beautiful violin music coming from the other side. They opened the door and saw Dr. K playing the violin. Bella smiled and closed her eyes to listen to the music. Unfortunately, Summer interrupted Dr. K.

"Dr. K." Summer called out. Just after that, the strings on the violin broke. Bella opened her eyes and frowned. She saw the pure and utter sadness in Dr. K's eyes as she stared at her violin.

"We're ready in the garage whenever you are." Summer said. Bella felt a bit disappointed at Summer. It was like Summer didn't notice how heartbroken Dr. K was right now. Bella swore she saw a tear fall from Dr. K's eye. Dr. K looked up, but not looking at Bella or Summer.

"Thank you, Ranger Series Yellow and Pink/Cyan. I'll be right there." Dr. K said. She turned around so her back was facing Bella and Summer. Summer left, but Bella stayed. Bella walked towards Dr. K and put a comforting hand on her shoulder. Dr. K looked at Bella and confirmed that a tear did fall.

"I'm sorry. That violin must've meant a lot more to you than just another instrument." Bella said. Dr. K simply nodded.

"I'll help you fix it, how about that?" Bella asked. Again, Dr. K nodded, but this time, she had a faint smile. Faint, but still a smile. They walked out of the Lab and to the computers Dr. K has on the wall. The team was already there waiting for her. On one of the screens was Colonel Truman and Corporal Hicks. Dr. K went to the computer keyboard and typed up data she's been researching. Dillon pulled Bella into a side hug. His hand rested on the bottom of her RPM jacket.

"Hey." Dillon whispered. Bella smiled. Bella was wearing a plain pink shirt, cyan skinny jeans, and black high heel ankle boots. And obviously, her RPM jacket.

"Hey." Bella whispered back. Now that the team knows about their relationship, things between have been easier.

"What we're looking at is a dramatic spike in the current levels of Venjix technology into the areas of theoretical molecular manipulation, inverse physics, and exponential energy transfer." Dr. K explained the data, but no one understood her.

"Excuse me, Dr. K, but, uh, what are you trying to say, exactly?" Colonel Truman asked.

"What I'm trying to say is that Venjix technology has surpassed our own Ranger Biotech hardware capabilities." Dr. K said. Now that, everyone understood. But, of course, no one liked it. Dr. K ended the communication link with Colonel Truman and started walking her way to the Ranger Lab.

"Hold on. No, wait a second." Ziggy said. Everyone followed Dr. K into the Lab.

"Their stuff can't be better than our stuff, can it? I mean, we're the good guys, right?" Ziggy asked.

"Just because we're the good guys doesn't mean Venjix won't stop finding ways to get stronger." Bella said.

"Ranger Series Purple is correct. Venjix just keeps getting stronger. Our Ranger firepower has plateaued since the introduction of the Croc Carrier." Dr. K said.

"No, but wait, Doctor. What about the new Megazord configuration? You said that if we merged all of the zords, then it-" Scott trailed off.

"I can't get it to work. The energy required to make the Multizord dispersal viable will require an additional flux overthruster." Dr. K said. She walked towards her desk with her computers.

"Wait, another one? Where are we supposed to get another one of those things?" Dillon asked.

"We're not." Dr. K said.

"We cannot build one of those?" Flynn asked.

"We aren't." Dr. K said.

"So, are you telling us to just give up, Doctor?" Summer asked.

RPM Pink/Cyan (Dillon x oc x Eric Northman)Where stories live. Discover now