Chapter 8

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Perrie's POV:

My legs are burning and I can't deny how sore my pussy already feels from Jade's harsh pounding, but she doesn't seem to notice as she walks a little in front of me.

When she looks next to her and doesn't see me, she does turn, though. "Everything alright there?" I just nod my head quickly and try to pick up my pace as much as possible.

"You look like you're in pain. Did I hurt you?" The worry is so evident in her eyes and voice that my heart skips a beat. "Just a little, but that's okay. It was totally worth it."

A smirk spreads across Jade's features as she starts walking again. "So worth it," I whisper to myself as I follow her to the restaurant.


Claudimar and I are back at it with the partying. We're currently in a beer pong match against two quite hot guys who suck at the game.

My brunette friend is already plotting who he's going to kiss tonight and we're both pretty drunk already. After a few minutes, the guys only have one cup left while we still have five and Claud easily makes the shot, ending the game effectively.

"Okay, I need a stronger drink after this lame game," Claud says before pulling me with him to the kitchen to mix us something that will likely make me forget my own name.

"How about I make you a drink and you're going to guess what's in it?" The brunette asks excitedly while looking over all the different liquors standing in front of me.

"Sounds great, just don't poison me, please." Claud chuckles before going to work while I scan the crowd. Not very surprisingly, I spot a lot of people I know from class and other parties. Ellie is in a corner making out with Ian and it looks like they'll leave soon to do something else.

A glimpse of brown locks gets my attention and I can see Jade slightly stumbling through the crowd. I can't help the smile that overtakes my features at her appearance. I'm definitely glad to see her.

"I'm ready. Turn around!" I quickly oblige and turn to find a very full cup in front of me.

"How many things am I guessing?" Claudimar raises six fingers while I cautiously sniff the cup.

I take a tiny sip and the liquid already burns in my throat. "Definitely coke and vodka." My best friend nods in surprise. "Damn, Edwards, you got that from one tiny sip?"

"Don't underestimate me." This time I take a bigger gulp and the drink is, in fact, not that bad. "The rest of it must be different liquors, knowing you. I sense some tequila and gin in here."

"Okay, you're more than halfway there."

I take another big sip because let's face it, I'm here to get drunk. "Rum?" Claud nods at me with an impressed look on his face. "And uhmmmm, whiskey?"

"Puuuuuuttt! Wrong, it's actually orange liqueur. I made you a very nice Long Island Iced Tea." Now it's my turn to give the brunette an impressed look. "Wow, you know how to make that by heart? The work of a true alcoholic."

The brunette playfully slaps my shoulder before making himself the same drink. "It's a bloody good drink, don't even try to lie about it." I quickly raise my hands in surrender. "I never said it wasn't."

When Claudimar has finished making his drink, we get back into the crowd and mingle with different people. It doesn't take long before Claud has gone back to the guy he planned to kiss and for now, it seems like he's going to succeed.

The alcohol from Claud's drink is definitely working already and when some things start becoming blurry, I realize how drunk I really am. While scanning the crowd, my mouth falls open at one particular sight.

Jade is leaning against the wall while some guy I've never seen before is kissing down her neck. Her eyes are shut tightly while her hand is pulling his hair. Before I can stop myself, I walk over to the couple and pull the guy away from Jade. What can I say? I'm an impulsive drunk.

"You need to come to the bathroom with me right now," I growl while grabbing her hand and looking over my shoulder at the dude who's not looking very happy about this. "Lady problems," I say apologetically before pulling the brunette with me up the stairs.

I open a few doors before finding the bathroom and pull the both of us inside before locking the door. "What do you think you were doing?"

Jade is giving me an amused look. "I was trying to get laid. What did it look like?"

"Uh uh uh," I say while waving my finger in her face. "That's not how it works."

Jade's eyebrows rise at my words. "Then tell me, how does it work?"

I take a few steps forward, so there are only a few inches between us. "You're not going to fuck me one day and then fuck someone else the day after. I'm not going to be treated like a hoe."

"So what do you suggest? That I wait a week to get some? That's not really my style, princess." The way she says princess makes me want to smack her, but I manage to hold it in.

"I suggest that you only fuck me." Her eyes go wide at my words and maybe it's just my drunk mind, but it looks like they go a shade darker as well.

Without giving her time to say anything back, I push her against the door and place my lips on hers. Usually, I'm not this confident, but that's why they call it liquid courage, I suppose.

The brunette moans when my tongue enters her mouth and my hands roam her body. When I start running out of breath, I trail my kisses down her neck and slowly walk us to the sink.

Jade's hands tangle in my blonde hair while I hoist her up onto the washing table. Loud knocking on the door momentarily pulls me out of the moment. "Come on, I really need to pee."

"We won't be long," I yell back before looking into Jade's eyes. "You're going to come so fast, you won't even be able to fully grasp it."

Jade's breath hitches loudly and I can't help the smirk from spreading across my features. I swiftly open the button from her jeans and the brunette lifts her hips up, so I can easily pull them down her legs together with her underwear.

I'm glad that I'm very drunk and very confident right now because sober me would be a fumbling mess.

For a few minutes, I stare at Jade's glistering cunt and can barely hold back a moan at the sight. "Pe-" Before she can continue, I crash my lips against hers to prevent her from saying something that can throw me off.

My finger slowly trails through her slit and I moan in the brunette's mouth at the wetness I feel. "Fuck, you're so wet."

"I can't help that you're so fucking hot." I smirk again at her words and start sucking her neck while exploring her pussy further.

My thumb starts tracing her swollen clit as two fingers tease her entrance. I know that I promised her to come really fast, but I also enjoy teasing her a little bit.

"Pl-please, I need more." I softly bite her neck while I enter my two fingers inside her and get a very loud moan as a reward.

I set a very fast pace and the sounds leaving Jade's mouth are so animalistic that it spurs me on to go even faster and deeper than I already am. It's a good thing that Jade got turned on so fast, otherwise, this would definitely hurt. Good thing that she's dripping wet.

My thumb vigorously circles her clit while I pump in and out of her. My fingers curl deep inside her and when I feel her clenching my fingers, I know how close she already is. Her head is slightly leaning back while soft moans continuously leave her mouth. It's clear that she's holding back a lot of noises, but right now, my sole goal is on her coming. I decide to stop staring at her face and focus my attention on her pussy.

I swiftly replace my thumb with my mouth and suck her clit harshly in my mouth, causing the brunette to scream out as she comes all over my fingers.

As I slow down my fingers, Jade's body keeps shocking every now and then, showing me that she is still riding out her orgasm. "Oh, god, Pez, that was amazing."

My fingers softly graze Jade's walls as I pull them out completely, and the brunette moans a little at the contact.

"Told you it would be fast," I say, smirking before turning my back on the brunette and washing my hands.

Sweet and InnocentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora