chapter 20

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As you're reading this, please keep in mind that I'm on nyquil. This should be the last chapter and I'm hoping to tie up any loose ends.

I watch Zayn and his mom interact from the ambulance. We were all required to get checked out before we were released. Zayn's father was rolled out of the building zipped up in a body bag, along with Perrie and her to hunch men.

Zayn seems like he's in shock. He didn't even know he still had a father, but he lost him officially today. The thought breaks ny heart and I wonder over to him and place my chin on his shoulder. His arms wind around my body and his mom sighs with happiness.
"I'm so glad you found someone Zayn."
"Me too, mama." I smile, even though no one can see me.

We're all cleared and we make our way over to the mustang Zayn drove to this shitty motel. I open the door and gasp.
"Uh Zayn?"
"Yes, love?" Zayn answers.
"Who's this woman in the front seat?"
"Shit!" Zayn jogs over to where I'm standing and starts shaking the woman awake. "Heyyy, wake up." The girl blinks slowly and sits up, looking around.
"Hey! You found her!" The girl says happily. She turns to me.
"Hi, I'm Allison (a/n: I can't remember what I originally said Zayn's neighbors name was, and I'm to lazy to go back and look right now. Sorry, you'll have to deal right now.)" She shakes my hand.
"I uh, I'm Scarlett." I stutter out.
"I'm Zayn's neighbor." She finally explains more. My mouth makes an "o" shape. The girl climbs in the back seat along with Zayn's mom. I slide into the front seat and Zayn starts the car up.

The sun is setting and I smile. I'm so tired but so relieved. Zayn is explaining everything that happened to Allison, who slept through the entire thing. I let my head lean against the window, and drift to sleep listening to Zayn's musical voice.

Four months later

Zayn and I bought a house together, feeling uncomfortable being apart. Allison got married and we became best friends. Zayn and I aren't married, but we are expecting our first baby in six months. Its a girl. Zayn's mom stays with us occasionally, when things get lonely. But everything is filled with joy.

And maybe, just maybe, Zayn Malik isn't a teenage dirtbag.

♡♡♡♡♡♡♡I'll edit this at another time and maybe add to it. Thank you all for following me in this journey and reading along. I love you all so much. For the last time,



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