Chapter Ten~Zayn

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After Ali leaves, Scarlett and I talk. She doesn't remember much from last night and I fill her in the best I can. Nothing major really happened.

Except her fight with Perrie.

Okay, so I'm actually surprised she doesn't remember that because that was pretty big. But I don't want to mention it. I mean, she's one angry, feisty drunk.

Perrie walked in when Scarlett swayed over to me, swinging her hips. I saw her hair through the masses of people but closed my eyes as Scarlett kissed me, bringing her closer.

I let myself relax into the kiss before Scarlett was ripped away. Perrie smacked me.  

"How dare you!" She shouted. I shrugged, not meeting eye contact.

Yes I knew she had feelings for me. 

Yes I had taken advantage of that.  

Yes I was an asshole to her.

But it was all to get Scarlett. I warily watched Scarlett's hands curl into fists, and my eyes widened when she swung her arm and hit Perrie square in the jaw. She stumbled back a bit but regained her balance and hit Scarlett in the stomach.

The though of her having a bruise on her stomach makes me grimace. I'll have to explain to her where she got it sooner or later.

I choose later.

Scarlett swung her fist again, this time hitting Perrie in her tiny nose. Perrie gasped, grabbing it with both hands as the blood came gushing out. Perrie ran out, squealing like it was a dramatic movie and I rolled my eyes, concentrating on Scarlett. 

"You okay?" I asked. She nodded, slightly dazed. I looked at her knuckles which had blood on them, but I couldn't tell if it was hers or Perrie's.

I drug her to the bathroom, putting her hand under the cool water, she didn't hiss or fight me and the blood washed right off without a trace. It was just Perrie's blood.

"What are you thinking about?" Scarlett asked and I was pulled out of my thoughts and I was back in Starbucks.  

"Just last night." I smiled. She answered with her own smile.  

"I had fun." She murmured.  

"me too." She stood up.  

"I better get going though, Allison's already mad enough." I nodded and stood up with her, throwing away our coffees.

We left the cool coffee shop and the morning sun shown down on us, warming my skin.  

"You want me to walk you home?"  

"You might want to, then you can see your buddies." She replied.  

"They've been looking for you." She added. I nodded and continued to hold her hand, now intertwining our fingers in a tight hold. I saw her lips pull up but her face stayed pointed at the ground.

The trip to her apartment was a lot shorter then I wanted it to be. She reluclently let go of my hand. I brought her into a hug, squeezing her warm body against mine.  

"I still want my jacket back." I whispered in her ear before kissing the top of her head and releasing her. 

"Not a chance Malik." She said with a smirk. I rolled my eye and walked off. I turned around to see the door of her flat close and I sighed.

Time to face the boys.


Allison to the side(Lily Loveless). Let me know what you think!







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