chapter five-Scarlett Eden

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I walked out of the apartment, on my way to the small bookshop I work at.  

"Hey girl." I heard a gruff voice behind me. I turned on my heel.  

" you know where Malik went?" He said slowly.  

"Nope. And I could care less."  


"Sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you."  

"Don't worry about it, it was kinda hot." I scoffed. 

"You're so gross." I told him, trying not to laugh. He stuck out his hand. 

"Harry Styles." He said with a charming smile. 

"Scarlett Eden." I told him, shaking his hand. We studied each other for a bit before I realized I was running late to work, so I hurried off, murmuring a quiet apology.

It was a slow day at the shop and I found my mind wandering to what the boy had asked.  

Where was Zayn?  

It's been three days since his and mines outburst, and I kinda felt bad. But he deserved it. I don't suck anything! God.

Harry was attractive. He had chestnut curls that fell into his eyes. His eyes were a bright green that would draw anybody in. He carried himself in a way that showed he was confident, and maybe even knew he was attractive.  

I shook my head, trying to clear away the thoughts.

The bells above the door rang, signaling another customer. The couple was chattering loudly. They had their backs to me, all I knew was the girl was petite and looked fragile. Her short hair was dyed a light blond and cut into layers, landing at her shoulders. The guy was taller with broad shoulders and dark skin, which came in contrast to the pale blond standing next to him. He had black hair, that was obviously carefully styled. They went into the racks, and I could no longer see them.

It was a while, until there was a clatter and moans coming from one of the aisles. I groaned. Not again.  

I went to go find them, dreading this part of the job. I walked in trying to shield my eyes, but failing. I stopped in my tracks when I saw who it was.

Zayn was already with another girl.  

"Um excuse me?" I yelled out, my voice wavering and cracking. The both looked up and the girl flushed, quickly dressing. Zayn stood there in shock and I waved my hand in front of his face so he'd stop staring.  

"all your friends are wondering where you are." I told him. He raised an eyebrow and smirked. 

"I've been with Perrie." He said, pointing in her direction.  

"more like you've been in Perrie." I said quietly. 

"What was that?" 


He had me pinned against the shelves of books, looking at me with his glorious eyes. 

"What'd you say." His voice was like honey, but had a serious snap too it. 

"It doesn't matter Zayn. Get off." I tried to shove him, but he didn't move an inch.

"I hurt you." He stated.  

"No shit." I said sarcastically. He kissed my forehead before walking off to meet up with Perrie again, and she left. He walked back over to me, sitting on the floor next to my standing frame. He grabbed my hand, tugging me down next to him.  

"You hurt me too." He told me quietly. I didn't say anything. He was still holding my hand, and the electricity pumping through my body was too much.  

"W-who's Perrie-e." I asked, stuttering.  

"A girl I met at a strip club. She gives me everything I want." He smiled knowing the effect he had on girls.

I knew I couldn't get mad. He probably didn't even like me. I mean, we've talked like twice. I was just very attracted to him. Dangerously so. I wasn't his girlfriend, he didn't cheat. I was just a girl.

"Scar?" My eyes flew to his golden orbs that melted my heart.  

"Yeah?" I whispered, to mesmerized to talk any louder. 

"Can I take you out tonight?" His face was inches from mine, and I just wanted to kiss him.  

"Yeah.." I trailed off, trying to ignore the disappointment in my voice. He stood up, grabbing my hand and helping me up. 

"Okay. I'll be at yours, at 7. We'll be going to a club..if that's alright." I nodded and turned back towards the work station. I felt his breath on my neck. He grabbed my wrist, twirling me around.  

"And Scarlett?" My eyelashes fluttered against my cheeks as my breath hitched at the close proximity.  

"Yeah?" I whispered back. He didn't answer,just brushed his lips against mine.

I gasped, a wild gasp and grabbed his neck bringing him closer to me. He smashed his lips to mine harder, clearly knowing what I wanted. My hips brushed against his and I let out a moan that he swallowed, his tongue searching my mouth. I pulled away, feeling my cheeks heat up. He smiled down at me.  

"Bye beautiful." And just walked away.

I couldn't wait for tonight.

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