Chapter Fourteen~Zayn

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I sit around my small crappy apartment, watching my small crappy TV wondering when my life is actually going to change.

Sure, I've changed since I met Scarlett, but not enough.

My phone vibrates on the kitchen counter, pulling me out of my thoughts. I groan and pull myself off the couch, heading towards the area I heard it go off at.  

my heart sped up at her name.  


spend the night tonight?x

I smile. I don't usual stay the night at girl's houses, unless I'm getting something in return. My stomach drops at the thought. What if I do something wrong? My eyes flick back down to the message, before I reply.


be over at eight.x

She doesn't respond, but I know she read it. I pull myself up to sit on the counter, thinking hard.  

What do I pack? Should I even pack? Do other guys pack? What are we going to do?  

I slam my head against the heel of my palms over and over, trying to get my thoughts straight. I jump off the counter and grab the small overnight bag I have from the closet. I stuff a change of clothes and a toothbrush in there and zip it up, looking back to the clock.

The bright green numbers tell me it's 6:30. I drag my feet over to the shower and wash my body, my fingers tracing over my tan skin and along my defined abdomen. A shiver runs up my spine and I take my fingers away, moving them up to shampoo my black hair. I close my eyes to block the shampoo and rinse it out.

I grab the fluffy towel out from the rack and wrap it around my lean but muscular body. I dry my hair quickly before spiking it up nicely with hair gel. I got my phone off the bathroom counter and yelled frustrated when I realized it was 7:15 and it would take me 30 minutes to walk to Scarlett's apartment.

I grabbed a random pair of pants off the floor and a white shirt, smiling when I realized this was the outfit I wore when I first met her. I grabbed my phone and my overnight bag along with a hoodie, slipping it on and half ran out of my house, anxious to see her beautiful face.

I took a couple deep breaths before knocking on the green door made of wood. It swung open and there Scarlett was, looking up at me with big doe eyes and a cheeky smile. I kissed her cheek as I walked into the apartment I had been in once before.

I looked around curiously. She had obviously just cleaned up, it still smelled like bleach. There was a blanket fort over the two couches, and movies stacked by the TV. I turned around and smiled at her, she smiled back shyly. I brought my arms around her warm form, tugging her towards me. Her chest rested on my chest, and I thought for sure she would be able to hear my heart speed up.

This was all new.

"What are we?" I whisper. She looks up at me with an eyebrow raised. 

"Humans, Malik." She replies with a smirk. I roll my eyes.  

"I'm serious. I'm really confused Scarlett." Her expression relaxes and she snuggles back into my arms. 

"What do you want to be, Zayn?"  

"I want to be with you every minute of every single day." I say in one breath. I watch her cheekbones lift up in a smile.  


"Be my girlfriend." She nods without one protest, and I made a promise then, I wouldn't screw this one up.


have you guys heard "Zayn did 9/11?" I'm so pissed right now. I don't know how long ago it came out, but I just heard it. It's offensive not only to Zayn and his beliefs but they're making fun on 9/11, a day that tore America apart.  I just can't even..gah!!! 

picture of the blanket fort to the side.(I hope..)

well alright, let me know what you think of this chapter, I tried to make it a little longer, but I don't know how to tell. 





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