Chapter Fifteen

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I cuddled with my new boyfriend under our fort I built before he came over.  

His bag was still sitting by the front door.  

"Did you bring pjs?" I questioned. A faint color spread across his cheeks and I giggled.

Zayn Malik, the town's bad boy just blushed.

"Stop laughing at me!" He shoved me lightly but I toppled to the couch, pulling him with me.  

"You're pretty." I tell him in a whisper. 

"Why thank you my dear. But I can name one person prettier than me." He smiles down at me. "Want to guess?" I nod.  

"Your mom?" He shakes his head. 

"Your sisters?" Again, a shake of his head. 

"Who then?" He laughs gently. 

"You." He kisses my lips, capturing my bottom lip in between his teeth, tugging gently. I sigh into the kiss and he pulls away smiling. 

"You're beautiful in every way possible." He smiles.  

"You don't know that." I whisper. His eyebrows shoot up in surprise. 

"Goody goody has a past?" I nod, slowly and hesitantly.  

"Sharing is caring." He teases. I take a deep breath.  

"It's not pretty, Zayn." His face sobers up and he brings me to his chest.  

"I can take it, Beautiful."

I close my eyes as I start telling the story. The story about how I got to be the person I am today. 

"My first boyfriend. My God. He had these gorgeous eyes, and every time I saw him I was reminded of why I fought so hard to be with him. I met him at a party and his girlfriend at the time was my best friend. We just wasn't anything I could control.

When we started going out, we kept it a secret for a while, only telling a couple of people. Soon his ex girlfriend found out he had moved on so quickly and we hurt her. She trusted me to be her friend. And I tore that down. It took a while to build back our friendship, but even when we did it wasn't the same.

John wasn't the guy I thought he was. The fights started up and somehow I always ended up with a broken heart. The first time he actually hit me, my new best friend Sam was around with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend was like my brother and he almost kicked John's ass.

The beatings got worse and I couldn't take it anymore. I ended it with him, knowing I still loved him.

It took about two months before I met another guy.

Landon was also in my English class. I hated him from the first time I saw him. He was annoying and blurted out answers and thought he was the shit.

It wasn't until a basketball game came around that I actually talked to him. And I asked for his number.

John was sitting behind me, having the time of his life. So I asked for Landon's number and flirted my ass off.

It was a month when Landon and I finally started dating. I missed John a lot, but Landon was good too.

Now I can't blame all my guy troubles on John. Because it's not his fault at all. It's my own idiocy.

Landon and I were great together. We fought like a healthy couple and loved each other. I've never felt that much love.  

I lost my virginity to him. And I still regret it. We fought more after that and nothing was like it was. I kept making more and more mistakes. I lost Sam and her boyfriend followed her like a lost puppy. I met new friends, some I still love to death. But if I could go back, I wouldn't change it.

My uncle found out about everything and came after me. "

At this point Zayn was shaking and holding me tightly to his chest. I brushed my hand across his face and his eyes met mine. He slowly relaxed and nodded for me to continue.

"My uncle beat me, and when my parents asked I'd tell them I fell down the steps. They didn't ask a lot, and I kept the pain covered up pretty well. They never caught on.

One day he was running at me and I picked up a broken beer bottle to protect myself and scare him off. He ran straight into it and the glass shattered under his skin.

He bled out almost instantly.

They put me in a juvenile center for two years.

They didn't listen to me try to explain. They didn't care.

I was trash to them .

Still am. I haven't heard from them since I went in that hell hole. They weren't even there to pick me up."

Zayn's eyes were glassed over and I swallow hard.

please don't cry. Please don't cry. Please don't cry.

His eyes met mine again and emotions flickered through his eyes.

"You've killed somebody?' He asked in disbelief.  

"It was self defense!" I argued back.

He smiled. Actually smiled.

I told him I killed somebody and he smiles.

"Well, welcome aboard the crazy train, Darby!'

I groan.

"Stop calling me that, Malik!"

He kisses me again and all my complaints stop.

"What movie are we watching first?" Zayn questions.  

"You get to pick! I put a bunch out because I didn't know which one's you liked or which one's you'd want to watch and I didn't know if maybe you'd want to watch chick flicks or romcom or action or horror-"  



"Shut up." I nod and keep my mouth shut as he goes to inspect the movies by the TV.

He quickly puts one in before I can see what he picked. I give him a questioning look and he shrugs. 

"It's a surprise!" He responds. I moan out.  

"I hate surprises Zayn!" 

"How can you hate surprises?!" He asks, completely shocked.  

"I just do!" The introduction screen for the movie comes up and I smile.  

"Iron Man is my favorite super hero!" I shout, a bigger smile cracking my face.  

"DIBS!" He shouts. He stops and looks at me with eyebrows raised. "I guess we could have a three some!" He gives me a devious smile.  

"Zayn, shut up and watch the movie." I turn away so he can't see the blush spreading across my cheeks, because his offer sounded pretty damn good.

I hope this is really long!! I tried super hard! 

I would like to point out that Scarlett's life has nothing to do with my life. 

absolutely nothing.


let me know what you think of this chapter! it was three pages on a word document! yay!







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