Chapter Seven-Scarlett

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I closed up the shop, stopping in my tracks when something caught my eye. A leather jacket. I picked it up, and Zayn's scent smacked me in the face. I smiled, slipping it onto my arms and racing home after locking the shop up.

I opened the empty flat, looking for any sign of Al. I found a note on the fridge. 

"Went out with my mum. be safe. love you ~Allison."

I smiled and grabbed a piece of paper from the note pile.  

"Hey Ali,  

went out with Zayn. I'll be back soon. I love you more. ~Scarlett."

I added a heart at the end of my name, smiling to myself.

I wandered into my room, striping along the way. I got into the shower, washing my hair and making sure I smelled good. I got out wrapping myself in a fluffy towel, thinking about tonight. I never had really been to club, but I knew what I was going to wear. And I couldn't wait to see the look on Zayn's face.

I slipped on my tight blue dress, twisting it so it settled just right. I poked the emerald matching earrings into my ears. I sat down by my vanity. Putting on light makeup that made my eyes pop. The eyeliner made my eyelashes look thicker while the mascara made them look longer. I put a pinkish gloss on my lips, smacking them together obnoxiously. I slipped on a cheap ring, that I wouldn't mind if I lost.

The doorbell rang and I felt myself smile wide. I ran to it, grabbing my heels and slipping them on. I grabbed Zayn's leather jacket off the back of the couch, slipping it back on. It went perfect and I couldn't help the excited giggle that left my lips.

I swung open the door, searching for his golden eyes. I smiled. 

"Hi." I sighed. He kissed my forehead.  

"Hello." He handed me flowers and I walked to the kitchen with them yelling a thank you back to him. I quickly shoved the flowers into water, and returned to Zayn.

I watched his eyes rack over my body. His eyes popped when he saw my attire.  

"Problem Malik?" I asked with a smirk. I walked past him, grabbing my clutch and walking out the door, closing it behind me.

I stopped when I felt a tug on my sleeve. 

"I do believe this is mine." He told me quietly, staring into my eyes. 

"I know." I smiled up at him. He rolled his eyes and smiled back just as wide.  

"Let's get going." I nodded and grabbed his hand.

We finally arrived at the club, and I watched as everyone's eyes widened in fear. When I was with Zayn, I forgot everything that was said about him. I forgot about his reputation. But coming into this club, reality struck me hard.

The bouncer immediately let us threw, nodding at Zayn. I smiled at the guy, but he was no longer looking at me. Zayn kept me close, wrapping an arm around my waist. He leaned down to my ear. 

"You want a drink?" I shook my head, dragging him to the dance floor.

I know I had said I'd never been clubbing before, but I knew how to dance. When I felt the music moving through my body, I was no longer the innocent little Scarlett everybody knew. And I saw the shock on Zayn's face. He grabbed my hips, grinding them harder onto me. His breathing was rough on my neck and I felt a whimper slip through my lips.

It was a while before we left the dance floor, going to get drinks.

The night became foggy and I can't remember much, but waking up fully clothed next to Zayn Malik in an unfamiliar flat.


Scarlett's outfit to the side. Let me know what you think of the chapter!!                                                        I love you,                                                                                                                                                               heytherezayn69

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