Chapter Eighteen{Zayn}

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I sit up quickly gasping for air. Where am I? I look around and remember everything that happened the night before. The date gone wrong. Damn it, Perrie. I look over and find Anabel asleep in the passengers seat. I shift positions and the tan folder falls off my lap. I open it up, continuing to take deep breaths to keep myself as calm as possible. The car accident was accidental. It says so right in front of me.

 But what Stop Zayn. She wouldn't do that. You know her. She didn't even know your parents or you. It was completely an accident. If her mom hadn't of left her in the car, she wouldn't have changed gears. I look down the list. Okay. So, I can deal with the murder of her uncle. As crazy as that sounds.

 But you've got to understand. It was freaking self defense. He would've killed her. And as selfish as this sounds, I'm glad she did. Because she wouldn't be in my life today if she hadn't. Okay, well. She isn't with me at the moment, but she was before.

I get out of the car, take a moment to stretch and look around, before walking over to Anabel. I bend down to grab her, being careful not to pull her hair. I except her to way more, but I easily lift her up and into my arms. I walk back around to the passenger side and buckle her in.

I finally get situated in the drivers side of my Mustang. The leather seat is warm and I sink gratefully into it. I put the car in first gear and pull out of the spot. I look in my mirrors and whip my head around, as far as it will go without breaking my neck, to make sure what I'm seeing is right.

The black van. The black van. The one Scarlett was in just hours ago.

I put the car in reverse and don't dare to take my eyes off the van, of fear that it might disappear. I park, not paying attention to the fact that I'm not actually in a parking space.

I get out, careful not to wake up Anabel, just in case this is a false alarm.

I jog over to the door the van is parked by and knock. No response comes from inside. I pace back and forth. I've got to think quickly.

I stride away, and run back, kicking out my feet and slamming the door into the wall. The hinges don't break, and somewhere in the back of my mind I think of how easy that was.

I look around the darkened room and see three figures, all tied to chair and their mouths duct taped closed. The girl has long black hair and her bright eyes have makeup smeared around them. I sigh with relief. Scarlett's alive. I jog over to her but stop when I see the faces of the other two people.

"Mom? Dad?"


Sorry this is so short and it's been so long since I've updated this story. I'm trying guys, I really am. I don't know what to do or where to go with this plot. I have it written down but honestly it's not that good. I'm trying, please remember that. Also, as I'm uploading this, the format is really weird and I'm not sure if it'll stay that way or what, but please let me know. 







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