Chapter One~Scarlett Eden

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I started walking faster, the darkness of the night getting to me. I heard footsteps crunching behind me and panicked. I spun around.  

"Who's there?" I asked, my voice shaking. There was no answer, so I walked faster, just trying to get through this alley.  

"Hey gorgeous." I jumped a little but kept walking, ignoring his ignorant laughter. I felt something brush past me and shuddered away, turning back to look for the mysterious voice. I turned around and kept walking until I bumped into someone. They steadied me, not letting go of my arms once I was okay.  

"A pretty girl like yourself shouldn't be walking around at night alone. Mind if I join you?" He said. I thought for a moment, warily. He looked dangerous, but Hot.

His black hair was perfectly quiff-ed up and his brown eyes were framed with long thick black eyelashes. He was wearing a leather jacket over a white t-shirt and had on black skinny jeans. Tight, black skinny jeans. He cleared his throat and I nodded. He grabbed my hand, taking me by surprise. He started dragging me the other way and I dug my heels in, scared. 

"Where are we going?" I asked, my voice still shaking.  

"You ask to many questions sweet cheeks. Who's there? Should I go with him? Where are we going? Just go with the flow babe." I laughed, I couldn't help it. He sounded stoned. 

"Are you high?" I asked, laughter still in my voice. He rolled his eyes. 

"Again, another question! Just come with me!" He said, annoyance leaking into his voice. I laughed, following him, but taking back my hand. I saw his eyes flash with disappointment when I did, but he quickly covered it up.  

"How old are you?" He asked, breaking the silence.  

"So you get to ask questions but I don't? That doesn't seem very fair." I was teasing, but still curious. He gave me a pointed look and I sighed, answering. 

"19." He smirked, obviously happy with my answer.  

"What's your name?" He asked.  

"Scarlett." I answered his random question. He stuck out his hand, waiting for me to shake it.  

"Zayn Malik." He said. And I suddenly realized who he was.

Zayn had a reputation. He was dangerous and he attracted accidents and was always looking for a good shag. He had tattoos and scars and smoked a pack of cigarettes a day. He's been in jail, more than once, and he's gotten into plenty of fights.  

"Scar?" I flashed to the present, shocked at the nickname he'd given me.  

"Yeah?" I asked. He laughed. 

"I asked your last name." He said. 

"Oh, Scarlett Eden." I replied.  

"Middle name." He asked. I blushed, this was something I didn't want to discuss. I hated my middle name.  

"Darby.." I said quietly. He lifted my face up, making me look at him. 

"What was that, Love?" He asked with a gentle smile on his face, that made my heart skip a beat. 

"Darby." I said louder this time.  

"I now see why you didn't want to tell me." He said, laughing. I shoved him and he pushed me against the brick wall of a building, eyes growing darker. He pressed his body against mine and I shuddered from his close proximity. His eyes flickered down to my lips and he leaned forward, I was shocked as his face came impossibly closer, but I turned my head at the last minute, his lips making contact with my cheek. He pulled back disappointed and I turned back towards my apartment.

"Hey Zayn, look, I think I'm going to head home." I said. He looked at me, staying quiet. Pretty soon he nodded and I started walking back through the alley way. Allison, my room mate was probably freaking out now that I was late getting home. I felt something tug on my hand, pulling me back. I spun, and looked up to see Zayn's gorgeous brown eyes. He felt around, trying to find my phone, but taking advantage of feeling up my ass. He kept it for a while but then I heard his phone beep, and I realized he texted himself from my phone. He now had my number, whether I liked it or not.  

And I definitely did not.  

"Bye beautiful." He said, slipping my phone back in my pocket and pushing me towards my apartment. I walked back, dragging my feet in a daze.

I finally got home, and was attacked in a hug. 

"Hey Al. Can't breathe." 

"Where the bloody hell 'ave you been?" She asked, stern.  

"Sorry. I met a new friend." I said, after I got air back in my lungs. 

"Ooohhh," she wiggled her eyebrows, "What's his name?" She questioned laughing. My jaw dropped, offended. 

"How do you know it was a guy??" I asked. She laughed it off, telling my to close my mouth. 

" it?" She asked and I blushed. 

"AHA! I knew it! So who is he?" She asked, again. 

"Uh..Zayn Malik." I replied. She started to protest. 

"We aren't really friends Al, he just made sure I got home okay." I lied. She nodded. 

"I'm going to bed, okay? I'll see you in the morning." She nodded again, weirdly quiet. I went to my bathroom, suddenly very tired. I washed my face and brushed my teeth, going through my routine. I sighed at my reflection, hating how I looked. I ran my fingers through my tangled black hair. I grabbed the hair tie off my wrist and put my hair up, the pony tail still hanging down past my chin. I stripped while walking back to my room, dropping my clothes to the floor on the way.

I took my time getting dressed, trying not to fall asleep. I grabbed a big t shirt and slipped it on, and slipped on some new panties. I slipped under my cool sheets, and plugged in my phone. It vibrated after I turned over and I groaned and turned back. I swear if it's Julie wanting to know if I can work an extra shift I'm quitting. God, how many times have I said that before? We all know I'll give in and go. And it's not like I need the money, my dad pays for everything I need. I opened the text, waking up slightly when I saw the name.  


nice butt ;P

I turned towards the window and saw the open window. Crappp. Now he knows where I live and he's seen me naked. Just awesome. This can't be happening to me.

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