chapter three~Scarlett Eden

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I woke up the next morning, groaning. I rolled over to find Allison in my bed.  

What the actual hell? 

I shook her and she groaned, looking up at me. Then burst into tears.  

"Brian dumped me." She said between hiccups. I wrapped my arms around her slim figure, holding her to me. It was quiet before I spoke up. 

"Zayn saw me naked last night." A giggle flew out of her mouth. 


"He was watching me through my window." 


This time we both erupted into giggles like it was the funniest thing we've ever heard. She stopped and looked at me before she started crying again. I groaned internally  


Alli and I were soon cuddled on the ground in front of the TV. She turned on Netflix and started an episode of Pretty Little Liars. I shoved her. 

"God Alli, why are you so mean in this show?" She just looked at me like I was an idiot and shook her head. I know it wasn't actually her, but I thought it'd be funny..guess not.

We watched the show in silence, pigging out on the junk food stored in our cabinets. My phone buzzed next to me and I answered it without thinking.  

"Come outside." My mouth hung open in shock.  

"What are you doing here?" I said into the phone. 

"Would you just come outside?"  


"PERVERT!" Alli yelled and we broke down into giggles. 

"I'm on speaker?" He asked, surprise and anger in his tone. 


"I didn't mean to spy on you last night. I mean, I just wanted to see you but walked out butt naked and yeah.." Alli and I were giggling again. 

"You're such a freak Zayn Malik." 

"I know Scarlett Darby Eden." 

"Don't use my middle name!" 

"Darby Darby Darby." I groaned. 

"If you don't come outside in five seconds I'm going to tell everyone your middle name." I smirked. 

"Who's everyone?" 

"Your whole apartment building." The smiled slipped off my face. 

"I'll be there in two." And I hung up, sprinting out the door without any thoughts of how I looked.

Zayn was there at the entrance, leaning up against the doorway. 

"Sup Darby?"  

"Would you stop!" I shouted, angry. 

"Calm down Babe." 

"I'm not your Babe." 

"And if I want you to be?" 

"Sucks to suck." I replied. 

"You would know wouldn't you?" My jaw hung open in shock and my hand connected with his cheek, leaving a red mark on his face. 

"Burn in Hell Malik." And with that, I stormed off, ignoring him completely, even though I felt his eyes following me all the way to the elevator.

I groaned when I got to the apartment, there stood Alli, waiting to pounce for information. When I told her the story, she was even angrier than I was. 

"God, what a dick!" I just nodded my head. "I mean, you're a virgin!" I blushed. 

"Shut up Al." She closed her mouth and nodded, understanding. We cuddled back up on the couch, starting another episode of PLL.

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