Chapter Four~Zayn Malik

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I woke up, rolling every which way, stretching to wake up. I smirked as I thought about last night. She really was beautiful, but I know I shouldn't have sent the text. I decided to apologize. The text was honestly just a warning and reminder to close the window. She should be happy it was just me that saw, not some creep.  



I was a creep.  

But, not the point.

I got ready and climbed down the stairs of my shitty apartment. It was about 1:30 in the afternoon now, so she should be up. As I got closer to her building I pulled out my phone and clicked on her contact. 

"Come outside." I told her when she answered.  

"What are you doing here?" her voice rang through the phone. 

"Would you just come outside?" I asked, annoyed. 


"PERVERT!" I heard somebody yelled in the background. The annoyance turned into anger. 

"I'm on speaker?" I let my anger show. 

"Mhm." She said, unaffected. I took a deep breath, trying to calm down. 

"I didn't mean to spy on you last night. I mean, I just wanted to see you, but walked out butt naked and yeah.." I trailed off as I heard giggles. 

"You're such a freak Zayn Malik." She told me between giggles. I smirked. 

"I know Scarlett Darby Eden."  

"Don't use my middle name!" She shouted. 

"Darby Darby Darby." I taunted and she groaned. 

"If you don't come outside in five seconds I'm going to tell everyone your middle name." I continued.  

"Who's everyone?" She asked. My smile grew. 

"Your whole apartment building." I told her.  

"I'll be there in two." She told me before hanging up quickly. The elevator dinged a couple seconds later, Scarlett walking through the doors, her eyes quickly finding mine.

"Sup Darby?" I smirked. 

"Would you stop!" She screamed, pissed. 

"Calm down Babe." I attempted to calm both of us down, but that only egged her on.  

"I'm not your 'Babe'." She snapped.  

"What if I want you to be?" I whispered seriously.  

"Sucks to suck." She replied, and I snapped. 

"You would know, wouldn't you?" Her jaw hung open and I wanted to take the words back as soon as they left my mouth. She walked over in quick long strides. Her palm connected with my face, leaving an angry mark on my cheek.  

"Burn in Hell Malik." She stormed off. I followed her with my eyes, not being able to stop her with words, or follow her.

It was a while before I could move again, and when I did, I turned around, leaving Scarlett behind and going to find the one girl that would give me anything I wanted.

Perrie Edwards, the stripper who I went to when I wanted something. She'd give me anything, mostly for free, depending on her mood. She was a sweet girl, with a crazy free personality, not a stuck up, bitch like Scarlett. I shook off the thought as I walked into the bar, and there she was, dancing  on top of the bar, high heels and short black leather skirt. Her hair was now a light blond and short with layers in it. She had a black halter top on that matched the skirt. Her blue green eyes were framed in dark eye liner, making them pop. I winked at her as I walked in and she blew me a kiss. As the song she had been dancing too ended, she came to find me.

"What can I do for you tonight Zayn, baby?" She asked in a flirty seductive voice. I grabbed her hand pulling her out of the club, not caring who saw.
so this is really short, I think. But I'm sooo tired. And just over all disapointed. Anyways, I love Perrie, I don't acutally think she's an easy whore, but it works well with the story, and I can find plenty of pictures of the two of them together. SO! Let me know what you think of the chapter! Talk to me! I don't bite...hard ;) 
i love you, 

ps: the song Perrie is dancing to in the club, and then Zayn and Perrie to the side. 

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