Chapter 2: Arrival - George

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Multiple POVs
George's POV

I had a very peaceful dream, I was playing in a flower field with all my lovers. It was so amazing, so calming then it hit me. I huge kick to the stomach causing me to wake up in shock. I immediately sit up and rub my stomach, they then start kicking even more. I let out a yelp as they continue to kick against my stomach.

I then hear the door swing open and it's Dream. "Dream..." I cried, he immediately rushed over to me. "What's wrong Georgy?" He asked. "They are kicking against my stomach re-" I was interrupted by another kick. I wince in pain, "really hard..." I continued. He let out a scent to try and ease the pain but it didn't work. I then turn into a swan, it wasn't really my choice my body did that on it's own.

I let out a distressed chirp, I then hear movement on the side of me. Quackity slowly gets up rubbing his eyes, "You alright George?" He asked analysing what is happening. He noticed the amount of distress I was in and it clicked in his head. "You're about to give birth..." He said in disbelief. "What?! I wasn't due until another week or two!" I replied in disbelief. I then feel them kick against my stomach again, causing me to let out a painful chirp.

I then hear a bunch of movement in the hallway, I then see Sapnap run into the room. "You alright George?" He asked. "Quickly we have to build a nest for him or he will be in pain for a long while!" Quackity said getting up. They all grabbed some blankets and pillows for me. Quackity shaped the nest for me, he then picked me up and rest me in. I couldn't walk around to get adjusted to the nest so this will have to do.

I then feel the collision in my stomach grow stronger, I let out another painful chirp. I close my eyes, I don't want this pain anymore, I then feel someone petting my fur. I open my eyes and look over in the direction, it was Karl, "We are right here baby," he reassured. I felt a little better, "Thank you," I said weakly. "George I'm gonna need you to follow my instructions," Dream said. I nod my head in response, "Right now you are in labour so you're technically not gonna give birth until quite a while. I would say about 20 minutes until your ready," he said.

"20 minutes..." I whined, "I can't last anymore time like this!" "I know I know it must be hard but if you give birth now, you'll be in more pain then you are now if you didn't wait," he explained. I sighed and nodded my head. 20 minutes felt like 20 hours, all I could do was cry, chirp and bare it all. Why do having kids have to be this painful... "Alright George one more minute," Dream reassured.

I let out another chirp of pain, you can do this George, you can do this! "Alright George are you ready?" Dream asked. "Yes please god!" I screamed. Dream then presses down on my stomach which made me feel a bit better but it still hurts. I then feel something exit my body, I let out a slight whine as it did. "You did great Georgy," Karl reassured. I then feel another collision, I let out a loud chirp.

There's more than one?! "There's more than one!" I screamed. "What?" Sapnap said in disbelief.  Dream's eyes then turn bright blue, "George you may not like this news but you're gonna have 4 more," Dream said. "4... More..." I said in disbelief. I felt like I was gonna faint, I close my eyes and the next thing I knew I was breathing heavily. Gasping for air, "You did so well!" Dream reassured me.

My feathers were fluffed up, I looked like a hot mess. I feel someone snuggling up next to me, I look over and it's Quackity. I rest myself on him, I'm tired as fuck.... How do women do this? I then see something in the corner of my eye. I whip my head over and I see 5 eggs. All of them was a pure white colour with a splash of all our colours on them. I get up despite the pain and walk over to them. I then lay on them and slowly doze off.

Karl's POV

I watched as George walked over to his eggs and slept on them. I let out a mini squeal, "Omg he is so adorable," I cooed. "Shh.." Dream said rubbing my stomach. I calm down a little bit as he did so, I then lay my head on his chest. I let out a sheep noise as he continued to rub my stomach. My ears and tail moved in excitement, I'm always excited when he touches me.

I wonder, am I allowed to touch George, because Quackity can be overprotective of him... Guess we'll have to fuck around and find out. "Can I touch George?" I asked. I look over at Quackity and he gives me a glare and he quacks. His he trying to over power me? I growl back at him, we both start a growl war at each other. "I just wanna touch him he looks so cute!" I whined. "No Karl," Quackity growled back. "Enough both of you," Dream said sternly.

I huffed crossing my arms, I make a pouty face. I just wanted to pet the baby mama... I turn into a sheep and go under the bed. "Karl..." Dream said extending my name. "No!" I said scooting to a part where he can't get me. He looks under the bed and sighs, he then gets back up again.

Quackity's POV

I won't let anyone harm or come near George. It's my job to protect him. I then see movement in the corner of my eye. I whip my head over and it's Sapnap, he walks closer to me. "Back off!" I warned him but he kept coming closer. He then watched me dead in my eyes, I watched his eyes start to glow. He then starts to growl, "You need to calm down, we are all mates here," he said with an angry tone.

I growl at him, he then intensified his growl. He overpowers me, I let out a low chirp of submission. "Good," he said reaching in the nest and he picks me up. I try to get out of his grasp but he keeps me still. I chirp loudly as he takes me away from George, "You need to learn to behave, George will be fine," Sapnap said walking out of the room. "Put me back!" I chirped. He ignored my cry and went into the other bedroom.

"I don't mind being overprotective too you know," Sapnap said closing the door, "I've resisted the urge to but you really make me want to keep an eye on you." What? "You managed to push the buttons that you weren't suppose to. I think it's only fair since you are carrying my kin as well that I do the same thing you do to George huh?" He asked with a growl. "But I have t-" "What do you have to do that I don't want to do Quackity?" He asked in an angry tone.

I let out a low chirp, "I know you care for him and everything but you are in the wrong here and you must apologize to Karl. I'm giving you a second chance to redeem yourself. Don't fuck it up," Sapnap growled at the last part. "Y-Yes I understand," I replied lowly. "Good," he said opening back the door to my room. He walked back into Dream's room, "Karl," Sapnap said.

"No!" Karl protested. "Out now," Sapnap snapped. I then hear some bells, a few seconds later I see a white sheep come out. Sapnap then rests me down, we both transform back into humans. I walk over to Karl, "Karl I-" I said rubbing the back of my neck, "I'm sorry, I was wrong. Can you forgive me?" I asked looking into his eyes. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me, "Of course!" He said nuzzling into me.

I chuckle and hug him back. Maybe I should stop being so overprotective, I let out a sigh. "If you sigh too much you're gonna grow grey hair," Karl said. I laugh causing Karl to laugh along with Dream and Sapnap to chuckle.

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