Chapter 4: Arrival - Karl

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Multiple POVs
Karl's POV

I was enjoying the good Dream that I had. It was so lovely, they were running and climbing around. They looked so perfect, I couldn't help but squeal. Then I felt a kick to the stomach, it immediately woke me up. I quickly opened my eyes and look around. I see the time in the corner and it's 4AM, "What's wrong baby?" I heard a voice say. I look up and it's Dream, he's on his computer.

"I don't know, I felt something kick my stomach," I replied. He let out a hum and then I feel another kick. I make a painful sheep sound, Dream then rubs my fur. I started to calm down a bit but then I got another kick. I let out another painful sound. Dream then scooped me up in his arms and put my to lay in his bed. He then walked over and grabbed some mini blankets. "I don't think they are coming now..." I winced.

"Yup, that's what all lambs say before entering a brutal stage of agony," he replied. "A-Agony?" I replied in disbelief. "The last part was over-exaggerated but you get the point right?" He asked. "Y-Yeah..." I replied. I then feel another kick to the stomach and I let out another painful sound. I was about to cry, why must they kick so hard... Dream then grab's all the blankets and walks over to me. His eyes then glowed purple as he kneeled down near the bed. His eyes then stopped glowing and he rubbed my fur.

"You are going to have to stay like that for a while," he said. "How long is a while?" I asked. "About an hour or two," he replied. "An hour....? I can't last that long!" I whined. He chuckled, "George said the same thing and he has 5 eggs in his nest," Dream replied. "True...but I'm birthing live animals not eggs," I said. Dream then made a touché face, "Fair, fair," he replied.

"The first half isn't as bad so relax for now," he said. I let out a little sheep sound, relax my ass these kids are kicking everytime I try to. They then kick my stomach once more, please be nice to me... I stayed like this for an hour, just small kicks they gave me. In the second hour their kicks start to happen more often instead of every now and then. "Dream..." I whined. "Yes I'm right here," he said walking into the room holding a bowl of fruits.

"They started kicking more," I replied. He let out a hum and walked over to me. He put the bowl in front of me and pet my fur. "Eat, you'll need the energy," he said. I slowly nod my head and start eating from the bowl even though I was in pain. If George can do it, I can do it as well. I finished with the bowl and fluffied up my fur a bit. I feel puffy and fluffy...

I then feel them start to fight in my stomach, "Ahhh!" I screamed. "Just a little more Karl," Dream reassured. I started weeping as I let the pain sink in. Are they fighting to get out of me? Dream then pressed against my stomach in a pattern. It's like he was pushing them apart so they don't fight. I cry once more as I feel something leave my body. I then hear the sound of a sheep but the sound wasn't coming from me.

I look over and Dream's holding something in a blanket, he then rests it near me and I see them. A baby sheep wrapped in a green blanket. I tilt my head a bit, they are mine? I then get another kick, I close my eyes and the pain died down. I was panting and I was very tired, which is surprising for me since I'm so energetic. I then feel someone pet my fur, "You did so well," Dream said. I catch my breathe and open my eyes, I then see 3 baby sheeps near me.

My eyes widened, they are all mine kids? I rest my head near them, I can hear their heartbeat. My heart felt warmed, I smile and close my eyes again, "Thanks Dream," I said. He let out a hum continuing to pet my fur. I didn't want to fall asleep, I wanted to hear their heartbeats even more but I was too tired. I slowly start to doze off...

Dream's POV

I knew Karl would be kind of confused at seeing 3 lambs near him but by his reaction he got used to them. I watched as he slowly started to dose off. I smile and stop petting his fur, I then look at the kids. Usually they would be asleep as well but they seem to be awake. I pick all of them up, I should properly clean them now. I walk over to the bathroom sink and fill it up with water. I take all of them out of the blankets and examine them.

All of them are boys, I smile and dip one of them in the water. They didn't react so it was at a good temperature. I then properly clean them, I wonder what he'll name you.... I shrug it off and clean the rest of them off. I dry them and comb out their fur, they look so fluffy now. I grab six small bells and tie them to their horns. Knowing Karl I bet the children will get lost without these. I pick them all up and walk over to Karl, I lay in the bed next to him and rest the children down.

I look at Karl and see him slowly transform into a female sheep. I kinda forget that Karl would kinda have a whole new sex change. He's gonna be surprised in the morning... I watched as the one with blue bells slowly got up. I quickly take out my phone and record it all. He slowly starts to get up and falls back down again, I giggle at the action. He then tried again and stood up perfectly fine. "Good job buddy," I said.

He then jumped and fell down, he made a little sheep sound. "Aww it's okay buddy," I said petting his fur. I noticed the other two fell asleep, I pick him up and flip over on my back. I then hold him up like the baby lion cub from that one movie. He opens his eyes and looks at me, "Hi buddy," I said, the phone was on my chest recording his actions. He then looked around the room and he saw Karl in the corner of his eye. He looked at him and made a little sheep sound.

I pick up my phone and rest him near Karl. He then hides under Karl's fur and closes his eyes. I stop recording and smile. I then hear the door open, I look over and it's Quackity rubbing his eyes. He glanced over at us and continued rubbing his eyes, he then paused and looked again. His eyes widened, "The fuck happened here?" He asked. I was trying to hold back the laugh, I gestured for him to come over.

He then walked over and layed in the available spot on the bed. He saw the two lambs, one had purple bells while the other had orange bells. He slowly reached his hand out to the one with purple bells. He pet them gently, I can tell he didn't want to hurt them. He then smiled and looked over at me, I smiled back at him. "How long ago did he give birth?" Quackity asked. "15 minutes ago," I replied. He let out a hum and looked back at the two lambs.


Y'all get to name them but it can't be simple names or I will chose them. I'm giving you guys a chance 🙄🤚🏿🤚🏿

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