Chapter 6: Arrival - Quackity

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Quackity's POV

It's been 2 weeks since Karl gave birth to his kids. They are honestly quite adorable... I wonder when I'll see mine... I then feel a kick to the stomach, I think I spoke too soon. My eyes shoot open and I let out a chirp of distress. Sapnap immediately wakes up and tends to me. "You alright Quackity?" He asked sleepily but still alert. "N-No," I replied receiving another kick to the stomach. I let out another chirp of distress.

He picks me up but then his finger accidently presses my stomach. I chirp loudly once more, I then heard his breathe hitch. "Quackity this is gonna hurt for a bit okay?" He said putting me on my back. What does he mean by that? I start to get nervous. He then massages my head and legs, my body falls into it. He then moves from my body to my stomach and I immediately chirp in pain. "Bare it for a little longer," Sapnap said.

It hurts. It's hurts. It's hurts! I begin to cry and I wanted to squirm away. Sapnap kept me still as he did what he needed to do. "No more!" I chirped loudly. Sapnap continued for a bit more then he stopped. I whimper in pain as he put me to lay back down. At least it isn't as bad now... I pant to try and recover myself, I kept my eyes closed. That seems to reduce the pain even if a little bit of it.

I don't feel the kicks anymore so that's good. "You did well Quackity," Sapnap said sweetly. What does he mean by that? I open one of my eyes and I see eggs surrounding me. I open my other eye and start to count them. I was shocked when I reached past 6, "There is 8 in total..." I said trying to process all of this. "I-" I was at a lost for words. I then see all the eggs light on fire, "What the fuck!" I yelled. "Calm down Quackity, that's supposed to happen," Sapnap reassured me.

So all of them mainly carry the genes of Sapnap. I then feel my body temperature rise a bit. I fluff up my feathers and the next thing I knew the ends of my feathers and entire head was on fire but it didn't hurt. I look at Sapnap and tilt my head, "Your body is getting accustom to taking care of fire type hybrids. It won't hurt you," he said. I slowly nod my head and try to process everything that happened.

So Sapnap pressed my stomach, was it to get these eggs out? They do look a bit bigger than normal eggs. "Sapnap if you didn't push down on my stomach what would've happened?" I asked. "Well, it would be 10x more painful and even worse the chances of you dying would've increased since the eggs are bigger than your body can handle," he replied. So I was limited on time... I then look at the eggs again and sigh, no wonder I was fat as fuck. I was totting these fuckers in me.

I chuckle and smile, "Thanks Sapnap," I said, looking up at him. He then picked me up, "You're welcome," he replied nuzzling me. "Do I lay on the eggs or?" I asked looking at them. "No all you have to do is watch them, they warm up themselves," he replied. "What do you mean by watch them, will they fuckin move or something?" I asked. "You'd be surprised how fast they would hatch after birth. Make sure to also control their body temperature, we don't wanna harm any," he commented. I let out a hum, "Alright," I said gliding down on the bed.

I then feel one of the flames on the eggs get hot. I walk over and touch the egg, it immediately goes back to a normal temperature. "Like that?" I asked. He let out a hum and nodded his head, "Just like that," he replied. "Why do I feel like I'm playing a fuckin mini game. 'Stop the eggs from frying' some shit like that," I said rolling my eyes, Sapnap chuckled from the joke. "Well you could let them overheat but I wouldn't recommend it. They wouldn't die, they would just be a bit more restless then normal," he said.

"Restless meaning stubborn or wanting to burn everything down?" I asked. "What about both?" He replied shrugging his shoulders. If only Dream didn't breed me along with Sapnap and Karl... I'm already a hard head, so his Sapnap and we'd be lucky to have some of them come out like Karl or Dream. I let out a heavy sigh, "I'm hungry feed me," I said in a grumpy tone. I can tell he wanted to rebuttal back but seeing the situation he just got up and went to the kitchen.

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