Chapter 5: Why me...

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Karl's POV

I wake up from my sleep and i feel weird. I feel more heavier in some way. I then feel something moving from under me. I slightly raise up to find 3 baby lambs under me. They seem to be feeding off of me, uhhhh... What the fuck is happening...? I take some time to process what is happening. Okay so I'm a girl now... Uh, how do I go about life now? A lot of questions filled my mind space.

I then hear someone walk into the room, I look over and it's Sapnap. He looked over at me and raised an eyebrow. He was trying to connect the dots too. "Look man I'm just as confused as you are," I said. He then walked over still trying to process what is happening. "So you're a girl now?" He asked in a questionish tone. "I don't know," I replied. It was silence for a little bit until I felt him pet my fur. I look over at him and he just smile at me.

His smile and eyes were so soft, "I'll love you the same," he said. "You're gonna make me cry!" I replied in a high pitched voice. He chuckled and continued to pet my fur, he looked at me with innocent eyes. I then feel the trio move from under me, they walk to the side where Sapnap was petting me. The one with purple bells went near his hand, they looked to be examining it. The one with blue bells jumped and climbed on top of me near Sapnap's hand.

He then stomped his little feet on Sapnap's hand. I lightly giggled, the one with orange bells walked over to my face and layed beside me. They let out the cutest little sheep sound, I almost died from the cuteness. "Sapnap save me, I gave birth to 3 adorable children," I joked. He laughed and smiled again, he then picked up the one with blue bells. I should probably name them all but Dream should get to name one at least.

I want to name the one with the orange bells. Aiko is a good name for him, he's so soft, gentle and calm. He's also very adorable, it's a suiting name. "I'm going to name you Aiko Chikao Taken-Jacobs," I said nuzzling him. He let out a little sheep sound and nuzzled me back. I'll name the one with purple bells Kiyoshi Habiki Taken-Jacobs. I then hear someone pass through the door, I look up and it's Dream. The kids looked over and turned all his attention to him.

They walked to the edge of the bed just calling for him. Dream walks over and picks up all three of them. He smiles as he does so, he then sits down right next to Sapnap. "The one with blue bells is quite the fighter," Sapnap commented. It causes me to chuckle and Dream to let out a hum. "Did you name any of them Karl?" Dream asked. "Yes the one with orange bells is Aiko Chikao Taken-Jacobs and the one with purple bells is Kiyoshi Habiki Taken-Jacobs. I wanted you to name the blue bell one," I said.

"Aww thank you," he smiled. He let out a hum and looked at the blue bell one, "Fumihiro Mako-Kenji Taken-Jacobs," Dream said.  I let out a hum and close my eyes for a bit. Suddenly I feel someone has picked me up. I open my eyes and see that it's Dream, taking me to the bathroom. Once we walled inside he rest me on the counter along with the trio. He turned on the water and tested it out to make sure it's good.

He walked over to me and rest me in the water gently. I got adjusted to the water and just layed in it. He then rest down the other three in the water. He sat at the edge of the tub and watched all of us. I wanna see if I can turn human. I transform back into a human but this time I'm different. I have long curly hair that covers over my eyes and drops to my waist. I'm also more curvier and I also have boobs now.

Life just keeps getting better huh? Dream looked at me in amazement, "Do I look bad?" I asked pulling my bangs out of my eyes. "No, not at all, you look stunning actually," he said after he snapped out of it. I lightly smile, I then hear a whistle. I look over and it's Sapnap, it causes both of us to chuckle. "You do look great Karl," Sapnap commented. "Thank you," I smiled softly. They make me feel a lot better about the situation I'm in.

I then see the trip walking towards me, I put my attention towards them as the jumped on my lap. They walked over near my stomach and just layed there, I make an awkward smile face. "You three have to bathe you know that right?" I asked. Kiyoshi let out a sheep sound and jumped down along with Aiko. Now Fumihiro is left, he got up and jumped on me, landing on my breast. He then jumped from there to my shoulder and from my shoulder to my head.

He then layed down, he amazed everybody. I didn't expect him to be able to do that... I tried to take him down from my head but he got upset. "I know you want me right now baby but you have to come down. I'm worried you might fall," I replied in a soft tone. He thought about it for a moment and allowed me to pick him up. I then pet his fur and kissed his face. The others made angry sheep sounds as they ran over to me.

I then look at them as they climb up on my lap. They seemed to be upset, "What's wrong?" I asked. They jumped up and down getting my attention. Do they want to be picked up as well? I smile and pick the other two up, I have all three of them in my hands. I then lay them on my chest and hum, they let out quiet sheep sounds. Soon enough I just felt them breathe slowly on my chest like they fell asleep. I take a quick glance and they did, I then look over at Dream.

He just smiled sweetly at me, his eyes were so soft along with his smile. I close my eyes and let the sound of my hums take me away.


Thanks to:

For helping me choose some of the names they are a real one😁 Thanks mate!

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