Chapter 15: Hearts Open

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Multiple POVs
Dikkota's POV

(This is a continuation of last chapter so the trigger warning of molesting and child touching still applies here.)

I watched as Izabelle was taken away in a stretcher, I watched the blood drip down from her arm. I watched as her consciousness slipped away, I watched as one of the medics said that she was loosing blood. In my years of life I've never felt so anxious, so guilty, I could've stopped all of this. I felt like.. Like... Like shit and it was all my fault. Maybe if I turned in that sicko while I had the chance, instead of giving her what she wanted.

"You don't want your siblings to be hurt do you Dikkota? Be a good boy and sit still" I growl from the memory, she promised and she lied straight through her teeth. I was sitting on my bed with my knees close to my chest and my head rest upon them. I was thinking, contemplating, wondering how everything could've been different. At least she didn't do anymore than touch. I sigh a shaky heavy breath, that I didn't even know I was holding.

I then heard a knock at my door, I raise my head a bit. "Come in," I replied loud enough so they can hear me. I watched as the door knob turned and a man, with curly dirty blonde hair walked in. Green eyes, pale skin and golden freckles trailed his face. The man otherwise known as my father, he walked in with a sorrowful smile. He closed the door behind him and walked over to me, he then sat down next to me. The moment he sat down I latched onto him. I didn't feel like crying I just wanted to be held like the baby I am...

He held my 4 year old body in his arms, he ran his hands through my hair and hummed. I purred gently at his touch, it felt so reassuring to me. "Dikkota..." He said softly catching my attention immediately, "Why didn't you tell me anything sooner?" He asked with hurt trailing his voice. I stayed silent for a bit more, "She said she wouldn't touch them if I did..." I replied clenching onto his shirt. "I understand that you want to protect them but that wasn't the right way to do it..." He stated.

My lip started to quiver, "I know okay, I was too scared!" I lashed out. I then stopped myself after letting out a shaking breathe, "I'm sorry..." I said softly. "I understand baby, but promise me next time you'll tell me these things. I don't want you hurt again..." He said. I nodded, "Where did she touch you?" He asked. "Arms, thighs, chest, I never let her touch me down there..." I replied. "Izabelle saw different though," he said. I look up at him, "That's her own fantasies, she would always try and edge me so she can touch there but I never allowed it," I replied.

He gave a slight nod, "I understand," he replied. "Do you feel anything because of her touch?" He asked. I shook my head, "No, I'm alright. Just upset Izabelle got injured," I replied truthfully. "How about we both visit her today alright?" He suggested and I nodded my head. It was just silence between us as he cradled me. I enjoyed the silence but there was one question that lingered my mind, "How many years?" I asked. He let out a confused hum, "How many years did she serve?" I asked.

"25, bail 350,000" he replied. That's not enough for someone like her... Seems like I'll just get rid of her when she gets out... My eyes narrow as hatred fills my veins from head to toe. Do whatever the hell you want with me but endangering my sister was your first and last mistake. I shake my mind of the thoughts, "When can we visit Izabelle?" I asked. He checked the watch on his wrist, "We can visit her now but you only have 4 hours with her," he replied looking back at me.

I nod my head, "I don't mind," I said. He picked me up, holding me in his arms. Sometimes I forget I'm a literal 4 year old..but I love being treated as one as well..sometimes. He takes me out of the house and into his car. He places me in the back seat and buckles my seatbelt before closing the door. He went into the drivers side, opened the door, sat down and started the car. We drove off and I looked outside the window. My eyes narrow as I start thinking, I need to progress further in life.

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